Latest Topics in Systemic Complexity

Complexity Economics

Information Theory reads ice cores

Complexity theory and financial regulation

What is Systemic Complexity

An Exciting New Area
I am developing a research program in this area. Systemic Complexity is the name for a proposed research agenda that captures elements that are already natural to IS but has arguably eluded the focus of IS researchers. It is a call for a return to the foundations of the field in the name of systems.


There are plenty of online resources available. Visit the Santa Fe Institute's Complexity Explorer for information and courses on complexity. Lazlo Barabasi has an online book that he is developing called Network Science which discusses how networks are the heart of complexity. The origins of systems thinking can of course be traced back to Ludwig Bertalanffy. This Bertalanffy Center for System Science continues his legacy. More recently and closer to IS, Churchman's (1968) The Systems Approach and Checkland's (1981) Systems Thinking laid the foundations for systems in IS

Publications and Work in Progress