Event Archive
10-03-06 Michigan Tech Job Fair www.career.mtu.edu/
10-13-06 & 10-14-06 ASME Student Learning Seminar
Food Drive - Drop off non-perishable food items in Eng. 214 (cad/cam office)
03-30-07 to 04-01-07 ASME conference at Purdue University
04-27-07 Sr. Party at Grandmas 5:30-8:30 p.m.
05-05-07 2nd Annual Golf Tournament
10-13-07 ASME Student Leadership Seminar - Madison, WI
MIT Job Fair
Minneapolis Job Fair
E-Fest Job Fair
Head of the Lakes job fair
11-30-07 ME and IE clothing drive - Orders due
2-28-2007 to 3-2-2008 IIE conference at Chicago