This form must be completed and submitted to the professor of record before a Permission Number will be issued.
Learning Outcomes : The student will support delivery of courses in the Department of Theatre, assisting the instructor in the administration of a course.
Expectations: The student must meet all expectations as specified by the faculty teaching the course.
Evaluation: At the end of the semester, faculty will assign a letter grade for the student's work based upon pre-determined expectations.
Semester/Year: _____________________________________
Student Name: _______________________________________
Student ID#: _______________________________________
Title of Course Student Intern Will Assist:_________________________________________
Times and Days of Week Course Meets: _________________________________
Requirements for the Internship:
(as agreed between the student and faculty)
Assessment Procedure:
(as agreed between the student and faculty)
Faculty Name: ___________________________________
Faculty Signature: ________________________________
Student Signature: ________________________________________
Professor of Record: _______________________________________