TH 4351
Portfolio Preparation and Presentation

Web Page Development

Each student will create a personal professional web site using their choice of web page development software, that will include a resume and photos of design and/or production work. Students can compare web site builder development services at <>.

Web sites must include the following information:
Index page
Resume information (both full information and printable pdf versions)
Title for each page
Full stage production photo
Photo credit for all photos

Captions for all photographs
Design credit for any work that is not your own
Appropriate commentary for all project and production work
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation count!

Page layout:
Subdivision separations (lines)
Visual interest
Font type, size and legibility considerations
Link locations
Background considerations - colors and/or imagery

Clearly labeled and color coded active and visited links

Imagery to include:
Visual research
Scanned renderings
Model photography
Build process
Production photos

Paperwork samples

Helpful links:
Examples <>
DreamWeaver Tutorial

Web pages will be posted to all Theatre majors through AdvisorConnect, and the UMD faculty for informal feedback.