TH 3399
Production Practicum III
Wardrobe Supervisor
2 cr.
Laura Piotrowski
Office: MPAC 37
Phone: 218-726- 8772
Job Description:
Dressers and Wardrobe Supervisors are an integral part of the production they serve. The major goal is to maintain the integrity of the Costume Design, through aiding actors in dressing, performing quick changes, tracking costumes, and ensuring both the laundry and any necessary costume repair is completed prior to each performance.
Time Commitment:
Students signing up for Dressing and Wardrobe Crew must plan to be available approximately four to five days prior to opening of the production, as well as for every performance through Strike. Costume laundry and repair is completed during the day. Specific call times, etc. will be set by Costume personnel and/or Stage Management.
Expectations and Responsibilities:
Costume Check-In: Crews will be provided with a list, developed by the Wardrobe Supervisor in consultation with the Costume Designer, of every costume piece and accessory for each actor. Each costume will be inventoried at the beginning of crew call, and at the end of each performance. Any missing costume pieces must be found.
Actor Dressing: The Wardrobe Supervisor organizes dressing room set-ups so Dressers can assisting actors getting into their costumes. The Wardrobe Crew should be attentive to each actor and observant to make sure the appropriate costume is on at the appropriate time and is being worn properly.
Costume Quick Changes: The Wardrobe Supervisor will develop Costume Change Charts before First Dress Rehearsal to be used by the crew. Dressers will use costume tracking sheets, developed by the Wardrobe Supervisor, that detail all costume changes that take place during the performance. Dressers will be trained to properly execute a quick change with the actor. In some instances, there will be special rehearsals just to practice and choreograph costume changes.
Costume Repair: Each dressing room will have a repair list where actors or dressers can write down any needed costume repairs. Information must be specific. Repairs must be completed prior to the next day's performance.
Costume Laundry: Dressers will be provided with laundry lists by the Wardrobe Supervisor that will detail which costumes are to be laundered, how frequently they are to be laundered, instructions on how to launder them, and ironing instructions as needed.
Personal Attire: During dress rehearsal and performances, Dressers must wear "blacks," which is usually slacks or jeans, long sleeved shirt, and tennis style shoes.