TH 3399
Production Practicum III
Assistant Technical Director
2 cr.
Scott Boyle
Office: MPAC 152
Phone: 218-726-8320
Job Description:
The ATD’s duties vary depending on the skill/experience level of the student as well as the needs of the show. This usually includes the creation of the working drawings under the guidance of the Technical Director, and assisting the TD during the build and tech rehearsal process. What level of assistance for the TD may need varies, but the ATD should be on hand to help in whatever way they can.
Planning Period:
As the design develops, work with the TD to research possible solutions to an special concerns or challenges. If special materials are under discussion, conduct research on pricing and availability to see if those requests are worth pursuing.
- Under the supervision of the TD, study the design drawings and become totally familiar with the physical elements and style of the production. Collaborate with the scene designer as required to confidently interpret the design.
- In consultation with the TD, develop a master drafting schedule. This will list all unit to be drafted. All drawings will be completed in accordance with the scheduled deadlines.
- Discuss with the TD construction methods, materials, joints, hardware, types of surfaces, or other special engineering requirements. Record this valuable information in a notebook or other medium.
- General drafting standards;
- Draft all construction drawings to a scale of ½” = 1’-0” or larger for detailed or complex units.- Working drawings should clearly communicate to the carpenters the size and shape of the scenery; how unit are to be built; construction techniques; materials used; all necessary dimensions and notes and unit labeling
- Two copies of each drawing should be printed – one for the shop, one for master packet.- While the TD should attempt to maintain an overview of the entire show, the ATD should focus on the quality of the individual projects. Try to foresee any problems that may result from minor changes that occur during the build period.
- Depending on the skill and availability of the crew, it may become necessary for the ATD to take on one or more of the more difficult projects.
- Be supportive of you TD. Understand up front that the TD’s job is a complex one. Be very careful not to undermine his or her authority with the crew. Learn what you can (good and bad) from the experience, but above all help the TD in any way you can to successfully mount the production.
Technical Rehearsals/Dress Rehearsals/Performances:
- Be prepared to attend any or all of the technical/dress rehearsals if the TD cannot be there or just to act as a second set of eyes.
- Take notes during these rehearsals and coordinate with the TD to make sure the notes get to the shop.
- Monitor the performance reports for any notes that may arise. Coordinate with the shop to ensure the notes are being addressed. If needed you shouldn’t hesitate to handle the notes yourself, especially during the weekends when the shop isn’t usually open.
- Prior to strike, meet with the TD and Master Carpenter/Staff ATD to develop a game plan. Understand the order in which things need to happen and what your role in that plan is. Understand what items are being saved and what items are being broken down for disposal.
- Help monitor the strike so everyone is working in a safe/efficient manner.
Timelines, Due Dates, Shop Time Responsibilities:
During the course of the design and production of the show, the department expect to be available for questions, to help with projects or to lead crews as deemed appropriate. Working with the professor of record, the student is to a set schedule which sets aside time for design/prop work (studio or planning time), weekly meeting with their advisor, and time set in their area’s shop. It is also expected the student tries to adhere to the schedule of due dates so as to not delay the production by affecting others’ job responsibilities.
Strike - date:_________________________ time:_______________________________
Tech-Dress - dates:_____________________________________________
Load-in Date:___________________________________
Build Begins:_____________________________________
Prep/Shop time: 6hr/wk min: __________________________________________________
By signing below, I am acknowledging my advisor and I have discussed the dates and responsibilities of my production role and I agree to maintain these dates to the best of my ability. I also acknowledge if for whatever reason I need to change my schedule because of either work of school schedules, I will contact my advisor and work to find a mutually agreeable solution. I further acknowledge that keeping the dates and schedules agreed upon and meeting the other deadlines will be used as an assessment tool to determine my final grade.
Student Signature:__________________________________________________Date:______________
Advisor Signature:___________________________________________________Date:_____________