TH 2399
Production Practicum II
Master Carpenter
1 cr.
Scott Boyle
Office: MPAC 152
Phone: 218-726-8320
Job Description:
The Master Carpenter job is twofold. First you are responsible for the operation of the scene shop during the build. This includes assigning tasks to the shop crew, instructing those crew members in the safe/accurate construction of those items as well as maintaining an accurate count of material used and letting the staff ATD know when you are running low. Ideally you would be in the shop every day during the build. That being said, most will not be able to do this because of class schedules. You must enroll in a practicum which is scheduled to meet during regular lab hours. If your schedule allows, you should try to be in the shop during the other lab times too. You should also be on hand for all carpentry related work calls for the show. While you do not have to attend technical rehearsal, you should be available to come in when needed to help work on notes which cannot wait for the next lab session. Secondly, you will be responsible for maintaining the show during the run. This includes mending anything that gets broken during the run. These repairs would have to be done prior to the next performance.
Planning Period:
- Get involved with the show early on. Get to know the design and how it is supposed to all work.
- Work with the Technical Director and Assistant Technical Director to develop a build schedule.
Inventory available materials to help with the budgeting process.
- Supervise all construction. Do not get bogged down in projects yourself. Instruct carpenters in safe and efficient building techniques. If you yourself are unsure, ask the TD or Faculty Supervisor.
Enforce safe procedures when using power tools.
- Maintain a running inventory of hardware, adhesives and materials. Be sure to inform the TD, ATD and/or Faculty Supervisor when running low. Don’t allow the inventory to run out.
- Insure that a thorough clean-up of the space(s) happens at the end of every session.
- Be available on load-in/work call days to help supervise the crew.
Technical Rehearsals/Dress Rehearsals/Performances:
- Be on hand to work on emergency notes in-between technical rehearsals.
- You are responsible for maintaining the set after opening. You will receive performance reports from Stage Management which will note what has happened or if an issue arises.
- Notes need to be taken care of prior to the next performance and acknowledged to stage management.
Strike and Post-Production:
- Meet with the TD prior to strike to establish a plan and order to strike. Determine in advance what will be saved, materials which can be salvaged and what items get destroyed.
- During strike help maintain order and a safe working environment. Ensure all usable hardware is removed from the scenery and stored.
Final grade will be determined by the Faculty Supervisor after consulting necessary production team members with regards to how well the duties listed above were executed. If areas for improvement are noted, you will receive a written explanation with what was observed and suggestions for improvement. If position is repeated at higher course levels (i.e. 3399) closer scrutiny will be paid on improving performance in areas noted before as well as overall job performance.
Timelines, Due Dates, Shop Time Responsibilities:
During the course of the design and production of the show, the department expect to be available for questions, to help with projects or to lead crews as deemed appropriate. Working with the professor of record, the student is to a set schedule which sets aside time for design/prop work (studio or planning time), weekly meeting with their advisor, and time set in their area’s shop. It is also expected the student tries to adhere to the schedule of due dates so as to not delay the production by affecting others’ job responsibilities.
Key Dates:
Strike - date:_________________________ time:_______________________________
Tech-Dress - dates:_____________________________________________
Load-in Date: ___________________________________________________
By signing below, I am acknowledging my advisor and I have discussed the dates and responsibilities of my production role and I agree to maintain these dates to the best of my ability. I also acknowledge if for whatever reason I need to change my schedule because of either work of school schedules, I will contact my advisor and work to find a mutually agreeable solution. I further acknowledge that keeping the dates and schedules agreed upon and meeting the other deadlines will be used as an assessment tool to determine my final grade.
Student Signature:__________________________________________________Date:______________
Advisor Signature:__________________________________________________Date:_______________