Hang and Focus
Light plot goes to Master Electrician.
Light crew hangs and circuits instruments.
Color is cut and framed.
Circuits are patched according to Dimmer Schedule.
All channels brought up individually to check that all
instruments are working.
Troubleshooting is conducted as necessary.
Focusing Terminology
"Take it to hard focus" - ellipsoidals
- Slide lens barrel forward or back to get sharp edged pool of light.
- Trim light fixture as necessary.
- Strand Ellipsoidals: Slide lamp housing forward or back to get brightest spot of light on stage.
"Take it to full spot" - fresnels
- Turn crank or slider on back or side of fixture, or slide thumb screw along bottom of the fixture, so lamp/reflector assembly is as far away from lens as possible.
EC Fresnels: Do not keep cranking knob after slider indicator stops moving.
light on designer's "face"
(Designer should not look directly into the light.)
- Shutters in elliposoidals pulled.
- Gobo pattern inserted.
- Check to see if fresnels are at full spot.
Warn the designer if light is obstructed in any way.
"Lock it off."
- Bolts on C-clamp, set screw, and T-handles on instrument are tightened to set permanent position.
"Shutter to here." - ellipsoidal
- Designer refers to the light on stage.
- Focus crew uses opposite shutter to cut unwanted light.
"Flood it" - fresnels
- Turn crank or slide on back or side of fixture, or thumb screw on bottom of fresnel so lens/reflector assembly moves towards the lens.
"Soften the edges" - ellipsoidals
Slide lens barrel forward or back to soften cut lines of pool of light.
"Drop color"
"This fixture takes _____ color."
- Insert color frame with appropriate color in slot provided in the front of the fixture.