Harvey Family Reunion
Rustic Cabins
Black Mountain, North Carolina
June, 2002

Mark, Katie, Ann and Ben pause at the top of Chimney Rock.


Katie looks out over the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.


Katie proves that she's part billie goat!

Ben relaxes in Grandma Harvey's cabin.


Kaite looks over her Harry Potter gift from Aunt Karen.


Katie holds her own with all those boy cousins - Ben, Seth, Sam, Drew, Caleb and Steven.

The Entire Harvey Clan (minus the Brown family)
Tim, Connie, David, Lisa, Ann, Mark, Lucille, Karen, John with baby Jade, Melanie, and Yarrow
In front, the kids: Caleb (standing), Steven, Sarah Grace, Drew, Ben, Katie, Abbey, Seth, Sam

To see more go to <http://www.disciplenet.com/Reunion2002/ >