UMD Theatre Alumni in Minnesota
Mikki Van Emmerik, 1992
P.O. Box 17371
Minneapolis, MN 5541
Jim Lund, 1986
High School Science (and occasionally Theatre) Teacher
Email: lund@chaska.k12.mn.us
Scott Edwards, 1984
Resident Sound Designer/Supervisor
Guthrie Theater
President, SWE Sound Productions, Inc.
Email: scott@swesound.com
Website: http://www.swesound.com
Circle Pines
Samantha Lavell, 2007
Stage Manager
Email: OpeningNightJitters@hotmail.com
Tom Brenny, 1986
System Test Analyst, church service accompanist, freelance artist, musician
Email: snyderbren@cs.com
Chuck Leyda, 1989
Email: singletonst@yahoo.com
Sherri (Lind) Leyda, 1989
Email: singletonst@yahoo.com
Vickery (Anderson) French,
Assistant to the Vice Chancellor, UMD
Email: vfrench@d.umn.edu
Andrew Bennett, 2002
Email: ajbennett1@hotmail.com
Kelly (Brainard) Grussendorf , 1990
Assistant Professor
University of Minnesota Duluth
Email: kgrusse1@d.umn.edu
Harry M. Dixon IV, 1992
Pilot / Flight Instructor
Cirrus Design
Email: hdixoniv@earthlink.net
Terry (Drahos) Michaels
Assistant Program Director / Music Director
Email: terry@refugeradio.com
Kate Horvath, 2001
Education Director
Duluth Playhouse
Email: northstarchild@hotmail.com
Bryan French, 1992
Director of Human Resources, Duluth Entertainment & Convention Center
Email: bfrench@decc.org
Katy Helbacka,
Email: katyhelbacka@gmail.com
Website: http://www.renegadecomedytheatre.com/
Cory Josephs, 1997
A Simple Design
Digital Arts Media Group
Email: cjosephs@asimpledesign.com
Web: http://www.asimpledesign.com/
Ken Koegler, 2005
General Manager/ Chef
Email: kenkoegler@yahoo.com
Brian "Luke" Lukasavitz, 1996
Attorney; entertainment law, media law, intellectual property
Email: btlukasavitz@stthomas.edu
Julie (MacIver) Venhuizen,
Email: juliemac_29@yahoo.com
Susan (Medin) Drahos,
Advanced Surgery Scheduler with Miller Dwan
Sarah (Mittelstadt) Steinbach, 2003
Assistant General Manager & Director of Sales
The Vista Fleet
Email: vistafleetsales@zmchotels.com
David Orman, 1997
Entrepreneur/Ad Specialties
Email: raven@duluth.com
Amy Lukasavitz (Patras), 1994
Email: aeluke@gmail.com
Carrie Rossow, 1995
Indie Film Producer, Editor, Actor, Wedding Videography
Email: carrster@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.4trackfilms.com
Michelle Rowley, 1994
Communications Coordinator
New Moon Publishing
Email: micheller@newmoon.org
Keith Shelbourn, 1983
Julie Unulock, 1996
CSR-Personal Lines Insurance, Director, Stage Manager, Writer
Email: jdunulock@charter.net
Karli Wiinanen, 2004
Stage Manager
Nick Olson, 2000
Email: nicholasjolson@yahoo.com
Shannon Michelle Lee O'Black, 1995
Costume Designer/ Wardrobe Stylist
Email: shannonoblack@yahoo.com
Website: www.shannonoblack.com
Emily Bloudek, 2006
Master Electrician Jeune Lune, Freelance Electrician
Email: blou0016@d.umn.edu
Denise Culshaw, 1990
Student & Office Manager, Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies
Occasional freelance stage manager
Email: denise@gtcys.org
Email: dculshaw@gmail.com
Web: http;//www.gtcys.org
Jake Davis, 2001
JMD Sound
Email: jmdsound@mac.com
2001 KC/ACTF Barbizon Award of Excellence in
Lighting Design Competition
Stephanie Day, 1988
Technical Publications Specialist for Northwest Airlines
Email: stephanie_day@Netzero.com
Ernest Edwards, 1996
Customer Service Rep
Email: ele56560@hotmail.com
Amy Eicher, 1998
Sign Language Interpreter / Musician
Email: eich0100@metnet.edu
Joey Feland, 1996
Sound Designer
Email: joefeland@aol.com
Website: http://www.vee.com/
Terry Flynn, 1989
Email: tjflynn2002@yahoo.com
Tod Gelle, 1995
Operations Manager
Fantasy Flight Games
Email: anubiswolf@yahoo.com
JP Gross, 2004
Freelance Lighting Designer
Henni Iwarsson, 1997
Freelance Film and Television Producer
Email: henni.iwarsson@yahoo.com
Neal Jahren,
Email: neal@mailbag.com
Tony Johnson, 1996
Copywriter, Ultra Creative Inc. / Director /Voice Talent
Email: tony@ultracreative.com
Mindy Jost,
Land Surveyor
Email: mindyjost@hotmail.com
Pegah Kadkhodaian,
Minneapolis, MN
Web site: http://www.pegahk.com/
Derek Kope, 1995
Crafts Supervisor
Email: dkope@hotmail.com
Amanda Korpi, 2002
Technical Coordinator
Freelance Designer/ Technician
Email: lightgirl816@yahoo.com
Jessica Lind Peterson, 2003
Associate Artistic Director & Co-founder of Yellow Tree Theatre
Email: jessica@yellowtreetheatre.com
Sarah Kutzke, 2002
Props Liaison
Guthrie Theatre
Email: sarahkutzke@yahoo.com
Pete Lane, 1999
Photographer and Turntable DJ
Email: deejayneko@hotmail.com
Edward Linder 1993
Director/ Actor / Producer
Email: elinder@mac.com
Website: http://www.tmjproductions.com/
Malia (Long) Cole, 1997
Email: thegaiacollective@yahoo.com
Erika Magnuson, 2000
Law Enforcement Administration
Email: giasurfrider@hotmail.com
Casey Martin, 2005
Assistant Stage Manager at the MN Opera
Email: casedot@hotmail.com
Sara Olson, 1991
Design and Upholstery
Email: sara.c.olson@comcast.net
Website: http://www.users.uswest.net/~bolson12/
Melissa Olson, 2006
Freelance Stage Manager/Box Office Assistant
Email: olso1939@d.umn.edu
Sharon Picasso-Merrick,
Pilates Instructor and Dancer/Choreographer
Email: picassomerrick@yahoo.com
Stacey Poirier,
Email: staceypoirier@mac.com
Amy Rydberg, 1993
Executive Director, Center for Performing Arts Projects
Email: amyr@cfpaprojects.org
Website: http://www.cfpaprojects.org
Wendy Sawvel, 1989
Intelerad Medical Systems
Email: wendysawvel@yahoo.com
Kara Schuette, 1997
AEA Stage Manager
Email: karaschuette@yahoo.com
Erin Sheppard, 2001
Entertainment Manager for Nickelodeon Universe/Mall of America; dance/theatre teacher for Youth Performance Company and dance teacher for Zenon Dance School and the Blue Lake Dance Project. Freelance choreographer and actor
Email: sheppard.erin@gmail.com
Emily Stevens McGuiness, 1995
Clothing Designer
Email: emilyksm@earthlink.net
Steve Sweere, 199?
Email: Steves@guthrietheater.org
Sarah T. (Swenson) Broton, 1999
Email: sarah_tsb@yahoo.com
Trevor Broton Webpage http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/trevorbroton
Mary (Terpstra) Miller, 1991
Marketing Technology Coordinator
Oppenheimer Wolf & Donnelly LLP
Email: mmiller51@hotmail.com
Abbey Vargo, 2003
Stage Manager
Email: abbey_vargo@hotmail.com
Jason Wilson, 2002
VEE Production Services
Email: curtis78@yahoo.com
Ernest Edwards, 1996
Customer Service Rep
Email: eedwards@prodigy.net
New Hope
Dan Herman, 1984
Production Stage Manager
Plymouth Playhouse
Email: dan.herman@comcast.net
Shannon Sweeney, 1995
Manager of Web Services
CP Internet
Email: shannon.sweeney@cpinternet.com
Kerry (Kerl) DePalma, 1989
Marketing Communications, 3M and Board Member at Illusion Theater
Email: kerrydp@visi.com
Angie Petree, 2002
Realtor at Coldwell Banker Burnet, Accredited Staging Professional
Email: petie927@hotmail.com,
Web site: TaylorHomeTeam.com
St. Louis Park
Nick Olson
Producer, The Uninspired Theatre Company
Email: nicholasjolson@yahoo.com
St. Paul
Sarah Bahr, 2005
Costume Technician, Costume Designer
St. Paul, MN
Email: bahr0038@d.umn.edu
Michael Bruckmueller, 1999
Email: mbruck@mac.com
Website: http://www.komicsutra.com
Jeannine Coulombe
Email: jcoulomb@earthlink.net
Katrina Hawley, 2005
Actor/Model/Box Office Supervisor
Email: katrinahawley@gmail.com
Patrick Landers, 2002
Staff Carpenter
Guthrie Theater Scene Shop
Email: PatrickL@guthrietheater.org
Theresa Larson, 2005
Production Assistant / Freelance Stage Manager
St. Paul MN
Email: Theresamlarson@yahoo.com
or larsont@prairiehome.us
Andy Nelson, 2001
Graduate Student/Therapist working with Autistic children
Email: ajnanima@hotmail.com
Email: anelson5@umn.edu
Sara Schmidt Boldon, 1996
Costume Crafts Technician
Email: nativesquirrel@gmail.com
Website: http://www.sarasb.com
Anthony Sofie, 2002
Tenor, Dale Warland Singers; Account Clerk, Ramsey County
Email: asofie@aol.com