Power series solutions: Basic method

In the simplest cases, we simply try to determine the coefficients of a power series expansion of the solution to a differential equation:

y(x) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n (x - x_0)^n = a_0 + a_1 (x-x_0) + a_2 (x-x_0)^2 \ldots

Usually for convenience we will take the basepoint of the expansion to be zero (x_0 = 0).

George Biddell Airy.

Example: Airy's Equation

We will illustrate the method with a relatively simple example, the Airy equation. This equation arises in the study of optics, as well as quantum mechanics. It is related to work of the astronmer George Biddell Airy. The ODE is:

y'' = x y

As a second-order ODE with smooth coefficient functions this is guaranteed to have a basis of two linearly independent solutions. We can pick initial conditions y_1(0) = 1, y_1'(0) = 0 and y_2(0) = 0, y_2'(0) = 1 to get two such basis functions y_1 and y_2.

Let us calculate the series for y_1 at x_0 = 0. To relate it to the ODE, we need to take two derivatives:

y_1 = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n x^n
y_1' = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} n a_n x^{n-1}
y_1'' = \sum_{n=2}^{\infty} n (n-1) a_n x^{n-2}

Pluggin in the series for y_1'' and y_1 into the ODE gives us:

\sum_{n=2}^{\infty} n (n-1) a_n x^{n-2} = x \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n x^n = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n x^{n+1}

In order to compare the right- and left-hand sides more easily we can shift the index variable for the first sum:

\sum_{n=2}^{\infty} n (n-1) a_n x^{n-2} = 2 a_2 + 6 a_3 x + 12 a_4 x^2 + 20 a_5 x^3 + \ldots = \sum_{n=-1}^{\infty} (n+3) (n+2) a_{n+3} x^{n+1}

and with this rewritten form it is easy to compare the terms of each side:

\sum_{n=-1}^{\infty} (n+3) (n+2) a_{n+3} x^{n+1} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n x^{n+1}

Since the left-hand side starts at n=-1, but right-hand side starts at n=0, we must have a_2 = 0. We also know from the initial conditions that y_1(0) = 1 = a_0 and y_1'(0) = 0 = a_1. So we know the first three terms of the series for y_1.

For n \ge 0 we have series terms on both sides which must be equal, giving us the condition:

(n+3) (n+2) a_{n+3} = a_n

or solving for the higher index coefficient:

a_{n+3} = \frac{a_n}{(n+3) (n+2)}

This is a recursive formula for each coefficient in terms of a previous one. Since a_1 = a_2 = 0, this means that a_4 = a_5 = 0, and a_7 = a_8 = 0, and so on. The only nonzero coefficients are the a_{3m} for a nonnegative integer m. The first few are a_3 = a_0/6 = 1/6, a_6 = a_3/30 = 1/180, a_9 = a_6/23760.

Additional Exercises

  1. Find the power series solution to the ODE y' = 3x^2y (expanded at x=0). You should be able to determine each coefficient as an explicit function of its index (rather than just a recurrence relation).

  2. Show that the coefficients of the power series solution to the initial value problem y'' - y' -y = 0, y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 1 have the form c_n = F_n/n! where F_n is the nth Fibonacci number. (The Fibonacci numbers are 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,\ldots, satisfying the recursion relation that each number is the sum of the previous two in the sequence.)

  3. Determine the power series solution and radius of convergence of the ODE y'' + x^2y = 0.


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