Stochastic and Random Numerics

Pseudo-random number generators

One of the simplest types of pseudo-random number generators are the linear congruential generators (LCGs). One loop of an LCG consists of a multiplication (by an integer a), a shift by an integer b, taking the remainder by an integer m (the modulus), and then dividing the result by m:

x_{i+1} =(a x_i + b) \ \text{mod} \ m
u_{i+1} = x_{i+1}/m

One proposed choice with relatively small numbers is the Park and Miller "minimal standard" LCG which uses m = 2^{31} - 1, a = 7^5, and b=0. The modulus m is a Mersenne prime. This LCG is quite poor by current standards, but it might be sufficient for some purposes (e.g. in a game for which speed is more important than true randomness).

Stochastic ODEs: The Euler-Maruyama Method

In 1905 Albert Einstein famously published four groundbreaking papers, on (1) the photoelectric effect, (2) special relativity, (3) mass-energy equivalence (the "E = mc^2" paper), and (4) Brownian motion. The last of these is perhaps less well-known than the others, but its analysis founded an extremely important branch of statistical mechanics and probabilistic modeling.

Brownian motion can be thought of as a mathematical limit of a random walk. In particular, consider a 1-dimensional process in which the state (a number) changes by a fixed positive or negative increment with equal probability. The figure below shows a 10 realizations of such a process, for 100 steps, in each case starting at 0 and with increments 1 and -1.

Random walk examples
10 random walks of length 100, with increments 1 and -1.

If we decrease the time taken for each step by a factor of k, the variance of the total of all steps taken in a fixed time period will increase by a factor of k. So if we want the standard deviation of the process to stay constant as we decrease this interval, the standard deviation of each step needs to be decreased by \sqrt{k}. The result is the Brownian motion stochastic process (sometimes called the Weiner process in honor of Norbert Wiener), which starting from x_0=0 has the probability distribution:

p_B(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi t}} e^{-x^2/(2t)}

Stochastic differential equations are usually written in terms of increments rather than derivatives, since they are not usually differentiable functions (they are best defined as integral equations). For a SDE of the form

dX = f(x,t)dt + g(x,t)dB

we can simulate an initial value problem's solution using the Euler-Marayama method, which generalizes the usual Euler's method. If x(t_0) = x_0, then for a timestep k = \Delta t we approximate using

x_{i+1} = x_i + f(x_i, t_i) k + g(x_i, t_i) \sqrt{k} w_i

where w_i is a random sample drawn from a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.

The key point is the scaling of the stochastic component by \sqrt{k}, rather than k.

Example: Stock price model

dS = r S dt + \sigma S dB_t

"solution" is S = S_0 e^{(r-\sigma^2/2)t + \sigma B_t}.

The Brownian Bridge

dy = \frac{y_1 - y}{t_1 - t}dt + dB_t, \ \ \ y(t_0) = y_0
