Data logger/note taker checklist.
- Know the objectives of the test.
- Practice logging data in a pilot test.
- Make sure that data log forms and pencils are ready for the test session.
- Use a laptop computer for logging data and taking notes, if it is more efficient and faster than paper and pencil for you.
During the test.
- Keep your full attention on the user.
- Track the time to complete each task. Write down the time (hour, minute and second) at which the facilitator finishes reading the question. Then record the time when the participant finishes answering the question.
- Record errors. (Dead ends)
- Record success.
- Write down both observations and your interpretations.
- Note relevant expressions and comments made by the participant. Add information to help you understand what happened in each action.
- Even if the video camera is working correctly you should write down as much as possible, and especially note anything that is very useful.
- Review the log form to make sure it is accurate.
- Correct typos.
- Compute "actual time to complete" (ATC) times for each task.
See an example data log. - Elaborate on comments while they are fresh in your mind.
- Do a preliminary analysis for this participant.
- Make copies of the log forms for each team member.
- Distribute the copies, remembering to put one in the participant's folder.