Camera operator checklist.
- Practice videotaping a pilot test.
- Take digital still photos of the equipment set up and test environment. Make sure that there are enough floppy disks for the digital still camera.
- Make sure that video camera(s) are set up and working.
- Make sure that video camera angle is correct.
- Try to position the camera(s) subtly out of sight. Try using a tall plant or fake potted tree to camouflage the camera .
- Make sure that the room lights or window light does not cause glare on the computer screen. (Bring black plastic bags and tape to block any light causing glare.)
- Adjust the cameras as needed.
- Adjust the sound as needed.
- Select the shot or shots to record.
- Make sure that there are enough video tapes for the test session.
- Make sure that video tapes for the test session are properly labeled.
- Make sure that all the equipment is turned on and ready to go.
During the test.
- Don't draw attention to the camera(s).
- Don't change tapes in the middle of a session. Tape is cheap. Use a new tape for each participant if you must.
- Don't fiddle with the camera. It will remind the participant that he or she is being taped.
- Rewind the tapes.
- Make sure all the tapes are properly labeled.
- Turn off the equipment used in the session.
- Edit/print the still photos of the setup.
Create a "highlights" video tape that supports results.
This is optional because it can be very time consuming.
But a a "highlights" tape can be a very useful addition
to the presentation.
- Team with the test analyzer/report writer.
- A fairly quick method is to organize the "highlights" tape by participant and show revealing experiences.
- A method that takes longer to produce is to organize it by issue with participant clips as supporting evidence.
- To expedite the process of video preparation check the data log and flag interesting participant actions and comments.