[webdev] Web Design Update: January 19, 2007
Laura Carlson
lcarlson at d.umn.edu
Fri Jan 19 06:21:38 CST 2007
- Volume 5, Issue 31, January 19, 2007.
An email newsletter to distribute news and information about web design
and development.
SECTION ONE: New references.
What's new at the Web Design Reference site?
New links in these categories:
02: COLOR.
06: FLASH.
10: PHP.
12: TOOLS.
14: XML.
15: What Can You Find at the Web Design Reference Site?
[Contents ends.]
++ SECTION ONE: New references.
Practical, Entry-Level Web Accessibility
By Mike Cherim.
"You may have an appreciation of web accessibility but are scared of
even going there..."
Tips and Tools: Web Captioning
By National Center on Disability and Access to Education.
"The following is a brief introduction to the principles and potential
challenges of captioning for the web. It is meant to be a starting
point, not a definitive guide to captioning. If you are interested in
learning more, read the NCDAE captioning article, WebAIM captioning
articles and a list of captioning resources from WebAIM. WebAIM is a
partner with NCDAE..."
Just What Happened on Those WCAG 2 Conference Calls on Cognitive
By Joe Clark.
"The WCAG Working Group has been going out of its way not to document
the conference calls it held in late 2006 on accommodation of cognitive
and learning disabilities in WCAG 2. Nonetheless, one participant wrote
a recollection (lightly copy-edited)..."
Create Good, One Alt Attribute at a Time
By Kim Krause Berg.
"...Maybe all it takes is one new image alt attribute or text link
title attribute a day, to get a feeling of accomplishing something
positive for somebody. It's a terribly small piece of html code, but a
leap forward for humankind..."
Style Over Substance?
By Paul Crichton.
"...So if style matters to most people, why should it not also be a
consideration for accessible products? There are some exceptions that
prove the rules, but on the whole, accessible devices have a nasty
tendency to be big and clunky, with big, brightly colored buttons.
Perhaps the answer lies in more inclusive design. After all, whilst
some of these gadgets are seen as the tools of the young, they too will
be old one day, and have access issues as well. I can just see Steve
Jobs trying to make the latest diminutive iPod work with his arthritic
fingers in 2067. Apple's new iPhone has got people salivating about how
sexy it is. However, it is hard to imagine anything that could make the
iPhone less accessible than replacing the keypad with a touch screen -
a move that has interestingly brought quite a lot of praise for
improving usability. That's fine while there is still choice in the
market, but if this becomes the standard mobile, then what will that
mean to everyone that has trouble using a touch screen?..."
+02: COLOR.
Always Specify A Background Colour
By Christopher Hester.
"Avoid a mix of unwanted colours on your page."
Automatic Color Harmony Tools
By Andrew B. King.
"...This article summarizes the work of researchers from Tel Aviv
University and Microsoft who have created a tool that automatically
enhances the color harmony of a photograph or image, while remaining as
faithful as possible to the original colors..."
Colorblind HomePage
By Terrace L. Waggoner.
"This web-site defines being colorblind and will educate you about the
different types of colorblindness. It explains why you may be
colorblind and what teachers, school nurses, and parents should know
about being colorblind. You will learn about a new "pediatric" color
vision test for early detection."
Color Vision Testing Made Easy
By Terrace L. Waggoner.
"This on-line color vision test consists of four cards from the popular
color vision test "Color Vision Testing Made Easy"..."
ColorVision Test
By Mike Bennet.
This is a series of five color plates which are filled with colored
dots. Whether or not you can see certain numbers in those fields of
dots lets you know if you are colorvision challenged.
Dreamweaver 8 Tutorials
By B. Anderson.
"This Dreamweaver tutorial is just what you need to get up to speed
using Dreamweaver to create web pages. Whether you're creating a
personal page for your family, a school or classroom web site, or one
for your small business, Dreamweaver is a powerful tool that will help
get the job done. Each Dreamweaver tutorial features text and screen
shots, and some include narrated multimedia tutorials in Flash..."
What Do People Think of Your Site Design? Here's How To Find Out
By Dan Brown.
"Usability testing is an essential part of the web design diet. In a
nutshell, it's a technique for soliciting feedback on the design of a
web site. Usability testing is usually conducted on one participant at
a time, and attempts to have participants use the site in as close to a
real-world setting as possible. Different people have different
approaches to usability testing but two things remain consistent-the
documents describing what you'll do during the test (the plan) and what
came out of the test (the results report). This chapter describes the
test plan-the document you prepare in advance of testing."
Taking Personas Too Far
By Kim Goodwin.
"...although personas are essential design tools, we think some people
may be losing sight of the fact that they're just tools, and tools with
a specific purpose, at that. Lately, we've been seeing a lot of
gold-plated hammers - unnecessarily elaborate communication about
personas - and some fundamental misunderstandings about the
relationships among research, personas, and scenarios..."
+05: EVENTS.
Functional Testing of Web Resources for Accessibility
February 14, 2007 or February 28, 2007.
Champaign, Illinois, U.S.A.
2 Day Universal Design Workshop
March 8-9, 2007.
Champaign, Illinois, U.S.A.
SXSW Interactive 2007 - Higher Education Meetup
March 10, 2007.
Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
AJAX 2007
April 17, 2007.
London, United Kingdom
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and
June 25-29, 2007.
Vancouver, Canada
O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) 2007
July 23-27, 2007.
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Advanced Writing for the Web Practicum
June 27, 2007.
Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
+06: FLASH.
Developing Flash Websites Using Progressive Enhancement
By Bobby van der Sluis.
"Although Adobe Flash Player is one of the most widely distributed web
clients available, there is still a group of people who are hesitant to
use Adobe Flash content. They often describe Flash as a wonderful tool
that can make a real contribution to a website's audiovisual appeal and
interactivity. But they also warn others not to overdo things because
entire websites designed in Flash would both be opaque to search
engines and lock out a certain group of potential visitors. In this
article I explain that this doesn't necessarily have to be the case..."
SEFFS: To Flash Or Not To Flash
By Claus Wahlers.
"Macromedia's Flash Player is a remarkable piece of software. It is
widely deployed, features a full ECMAScript implementation, an XML
parser, audio and video capabilities and an advanced vector rendering
engine, and many more. If used appropriately, it can provide visitors
of your website with a better, richer and unique browsing experience.
However, there are chances that visitors of your Flash enabled website
can't or don't want to see Flash content (SWF)..."
Faust: Flash Augmenting Standards
By blog.space150.
"Every web developer faces the problem sooner or later. The client - or
the designer - wants to use interactive animation, video or sound to
communicate their ideas..."
Using Alternate Content as Content in Flash
By Geoff Stearns.
"I've been going on and on about using progressive enhancement on your
pages that use Flash ever since I released FlashObject. The idea is
that you build your pages without Flash, then add in the Flash parts
later using Javascript if the user has the correct version of the Flash
player. One of the really cool side effects of doing this is that
Google will then index your alternate content..."
Flash-Only vs. AJAX Sites
By Emil Stenstrom.
Even though web developers like me have discouraged from building
Flash-only sites for as long as I remember, they are popping up all
over the place. For no reason! We are ready to make the leap to
standards. And our weapon with be AJAX. What kind of sites are built
with only Flash?
AJAX Debugging with Firebug
By Joe Hewitt.
"Firebug, an extension I wrote for the Firefox browser... makes web
development fun again. Combined with your favorite text editor, the
freely available Firebug...is a highly productive IDE for the complete
stack of AJAX technologies..."
Again JavaScript Libraries
By Peter Paul Koch.
"In the last days of last year, while I was enjoying a holiday from
obtrusive RSS feeds, the JavaScript library discussion seems to have
heated up once more. Here's an overview of recent thinking about
JavaScript libraries. The remainder of this entry is going to
concentrate on the Stuart's and Chris's articles, in that order..."
Don't Buy the Pig in the Wig or 'Why Most JavaScript Tutorials Still
Christian Heilmann.
"...there is no reason why JavaScript should not be an integral part of
web application and web site design - if used in an unobtrusive manner
and with maintenance in mind of course.
However, lately I've discovered that there are a lot of publications
cropping up that have been rightfully forgotten and got a lick of paint
and the label Ajax just to be sold again without really looking into
upgrading them. You find terrible examples of convoluted JavaScript
that was needed in the high time of the browser wars in these books and
articles. You also find examples using technologies that are simply not
logical to use and actually have proven time and time again to be more
destructive than helpful for the usability of your product..."
Great Minds in Development Video Series
By DevSource.
Interviews with Jakob Nielsen, Steve Krug, Lou Rosenfeld and others.
Lee Laughlin Interview
By Matt Bailey.
"Albinism and Low Vision Search and Accessibility"
John Allsopp: Video Interview on Style Master, CSS, Microformats and
the Web
By Kazuhito Kidachi.
"During Web Directions South, Japanese web standards powerhouse
Kazuhito Kidachi, who has attended all of our conferences down under,
did an interview with John Allsopp about all kinds of things, but with
a strong focus on microformats. Part one of the interview is here, and
part two, here in English, with Japanese subtitles..."
Are You Google-Friendly?
By Heidi Bautista.
"Is it possible to ensure that Google finds, crawls, and indexes your
site? Well, no, there's no way to guarantee your site will be included
in Google's index but you can make your site Google-friendly, thus
improving your chances. Google even provides the guidelines and tools.
This article provides an overview of Google's Webmaster Tools and how
you can use them to increase your Google-friendliness and in the
process, hopefully, increase your ranking in the search results."
+10: PHP.
The Building Blocks: Data Types, Literals, Variables, and Constants
By Ellie Quigley.
"A program can do many things, including perform calculations, sort
names, prepare phone lists, display images, play chess, ad infinitum,
based on the data given to it. Data types specify what kind of data can
be stored and manipulated within a program..."
Using SimpleXML To Parse RSS Feeds
By Stuart Herbert.
"...I can fake the multiblog by putting several different blogs on the
site, and generating a homepage from the RSS feeds of the individual
blogs. Should be simple enough, and it sounds like the perfect nail to
hit with the SimpleXML hammer of PHP 5 :) Funnily enough, in work last
week we were wondering whether you could use SimpleXML with XML
namespaces (alas, we still use PHP 4 at work atm), so armed with the
perfect excuse, I set to work..."
PHP/Ajax Integration
By Douglas Clifton.
Douglas Clifton talks about his experience and the information he
gleaned from a meeting of the DC area users group concerning PHP and
Ajax integration.
It's in the Details: Seven Secrets of a Successful International Website
By Huiping Iler.
"...Huiping Iler advises us to keep in mind seven factors for designing
international Web sites. Her list includes factors beyond language
translations, like differences in shopping habits, color usage,
interpretation of symbols and (on the design-side) 'text swell' in
character rendering. Consideration for the cultures of your Web site
users can help you gain new users while you also show them your
credibility and respect."
Web Design: 15 Important Research Findings You Should Know
By Jens Meiert.
"Small selection of web design, usability, and accessibility related
results of research, most of them derived from Human Factors
International (newsletter). Fortunately, some of them are relatively
popular, while others will surely enrich your professional
Beyond Validation
By Joe Dolson.
"For any qualified web developer, code validation is a step. Usually a
step which is repeated frequently through the development process - and
an important step, certainly, but just one small step in the process to
create a standards-based, accessible web design. Validation, by itself,
should never be considered as a primary signifier concerning the
quality or accessibility of a website: not all validations are equal,
after all. There are a number of important questions to be asked when
looking at validation reports - and then there are the vast steps to be
taken beyond the validation process. A passed validation demonstrates
care and carefulness in the construction of a website - but that
validation must be looked at carefully, and you need to also remember
that a failed validation does not necessarily indicate the opposite..."
+12: TOOLS.
By James B. Bowlin.
"Linklint is an Open Source Perl program that checks links on web
Link Validation Spider
By Dead-links.
"Put your website or weblog home page URL in the input box and a little
spider will read the html code and check for the broken links. The
spider splits links in two categories, internal, from the same host,
and external, outgoing link to different domains. Once you have put
your start URL the bot will visit your website and follow all links
checking for their status. When finish you will see a report showing
all the bad links found, not only 404 status."
Writing Link and Heading Text
By Sarah Horton.
"...In this article, we focus on using clarity and key word positioning
to facilitate skimming so that users aren't forced to slow their pace.
Because we all know what happens when you slow down while surfing,
right? You fall in..."
Taking Time to Tour
By Jared M. Spool.
"The practice of designing web applications is so new to us that a
formalized method for studying these works is nonexistent. In order to
educate ourselves, we must take tours of various web apps to find out
what does and does not work. Jared Spool explores why we should take
the time to tour web applications, what web applications we should
tour, what we should be looking for, and what we can do with the
information we gather."
The Power of Defaults
By Jeff Atwood.
"...Defaults are arguably the most important design decisions you'll
ever make as a software developer. Choose good defaults, and users will
sing the praises of your software and how easy it is to use. Choose
poor defaults, and you'll face down user angst over configuration, and
probably a host of tech support calls as well..."
10 Best Intranets of 2007
By Jakob Nielsen.
"This year's winners emphasized an editorial approach to news on the
homepage. They also took a pragmatic approach to many hyped 'Web 2.0'
techniques. While page design is getting more standardized, there's no
agreement on CMS or technology platforms for good intranet design."
+14: XML.
"The Nexus for Intelligent Web Apps.
Thesis Defense on XForms
By Henri Sivonen.
"...I went to listen to the thesis defense of Mikko Honkala. The title
of his doctoral thesis is Web user interaction - a declarative approach
based on XForms. The opponents were Jean Vanderdonckt and Dave Raggett.
The custos was Petri Vuorimaa. Here are some notes that I scribbled
down. I got the heads up about the thesis defense 40 minutes before
showtime, so I haven't read the thesis, yet..."
[Section one ends.]
+15: What Can You Find at the Web Design Reference Site?
Accessibility Information.
Association Information.
Book Listings.
Cascading Style Sheets Information.
Color Information.
Dreamweaver Information.
Evaluation & Testing Information.
Event Information.
Flash Information.
Information Architecture Information.
JavaScript Information.
Miscellaneous Web Information.
Navigation Information.
PHP Information.
Sites & Blogs Listing.
Standards, Guidelines & Pattern Information.
Tool Information.
Typography Information.
Usability Information.
XML Information.
[Section two ends.]
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Until next time,
Laura L. Carlson
Information Technology Systems and Services
University of Minnesota Duluth
Duluth, MN U.S.A. 55812-3009
mailto:lcarlson at d.umn.edu
[Issue ends.]
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