[webdev] Web Design Update: November 2, 2005
Laura Carlson
lcarlson at d.umn.edu
Wed Nov 2 06:18:18 CST 2005
- Volume 4, Issue 19, November 2, 2005.
An email newsletter to distribute news and information about web design
and development.
SECTION ONE: New references.
What's new at the Web Design Reference site?
New links in these categories:
11: PHP.
13: TOOLS.
15: XML.
16: What Can You Find at the Web Design Reference Site?
[Contents ends.]
++ SECTION ONE: New references.
TITLE Attribute What Is It Good For?
By Steven Faulkner.
Steven Faulkner shares his presentation from www.we05.com and related
Screen Reader Software Support for the TITLE Attribute
By Steven Faulkner.
"This testing [ongoing] has been motivated by the desire to clarify how
and if screen reading software renders text content contained within
the TITLE attribute. There have been many discussions, recommendations
and opinions published about the practical use of the TITLE attribute,
but there has been a paucity of data to back up the recommendations and
opinions expressed. This is an attempt to provide such data so that
more informed recommendations can be made in the future."
Assistive Technology Users Test TITLE Attribute Access
By Steven Faulkner.
"Conclusions Drawn: 1.) Most users of screen reading software do not
change their default settings to access the TITLE attribute information
on links. 2.) Most screen reading software can access TITLE attribute
content on form controls by default. 3.) Some screen reading software
cannot access TITLE attribute information. 4.) Users of screen
magnifiers can read TITLE attribute text at lower magnification levels.
5.) Users of screen magnifiers cannot read TITLE attribute text, that
contains more than one or two words, at higher magnification levels."
Interaction Design Association (IxDA).
"The Interaction Design Group (IxDG) has officially changed its name
and organizational status. We have incorporated as the Interaction
Design Association (IxDA)?a non-profit, member-supported
CSS is Not Hard to Learn - If You Recognize It for What It Is
By Christian Heilmann.
"Web design was never easy, but it can be if we start embracing the
complexity of our development environment and be flexible enough to
develop for it."
IE Blog: Clean up your CSS Hacks
By Kimberly Blessing.
"The IE Blog today issued a call to action, asking developers to help
'clean up' CSS hacks that are failing in strict mode in IE7..."
Call to Action: The Demise of CSS Hacks and Broken Pages
By Markus Mielke.
"We're starting to see the first round of sites and pages breaking due
to the CSS fixes we have made. We would like to ask your help in
cleaning up existing CSS hacks in your pages for IE7. It is has been
our policy since IE6 that under quirks doctype we will not make any
behavioral changes so that existing pages will continue to render
unmodified, but under the strict doctype we want to change behavior to
be as compliant as possible with the web standards. For IE7, we
introduced new CSS functionality (see Chris blog post for the full
list) and cleaned up our parser bugs. This leads now to several CSS
hacks failing. If you are using IE7 (you are MSDN subscriber or
received a copy at the PDC) you may notice major sites breaking due to
the use of CSS hacks and the strict doctype."
Bye Bye Tan Hack
By Dave Shea.
"However, its been clear for some time that * html was going to be
fixed. And now today, via WaSP, comes news that IE7 is going to be
fixing a whole lot of other hacks. Wording on the IE Blog (how easy it
is to fall into the CSS hack trap) seems to indicate that IE
developers are against hacks in general, so its probably reasonable to
assume that they'll be looking to fix any others in the forthcoming
IE7 and IE7
By Eric A. Meyer.
"As noted on the WaSP site, the IE team is asking developers to clean
up their CSS hacks because theyre causing sites to break in IE7
builds. I have to admit that this call elicited an arid little chuckle
from me, because its a case of chickens coming home to more than one
roost. There's the fact that bugs in older versions of IE led us to use
hacks, and so theyre making life harder for the IE team. And then
theres the fact that the use of hacks is an inherently risky and
fragile process, so the release of IE7 will make life harder for those
who used them. No smug self-superiority should be read into that second
point, by the way: I quite firmly include myself in that crowd...Oh,
and before people start exhorting the use of conditional comments
instead, its still too soon to know how good an idea that might be.
Doubtless they'll come into play, but exactly how is completely
unpredictable until we know what IE7 actually does. Perhaps we'll start
using conditionals around the call to IE7 (the script). Perhaps not.
Time will tell. As I said before, its too soon to know which hacks to
clear away or how to rework our code, but thanks to Dean Edwards'
efforts, I'm feeling a distinct lack of stress over the impending
shifts. "
To Hack With It
By Eric A. Meyer.
"To follow up on what I said recently, theres another major reason to
remain un-stressed about the impending release of IE7 and the use of
CSS hacks. If you read over the list of things that have been fixed,
they read like a whos who of CSS hacks?and a whos who of the reasons
we use most CSS hacks in the first place."
Internet Explorer and the Expanding Box Problem
By John Gallant and Holly Bergevin.
"It's an unfortunate fact that Internet Explorer will always
incorrectly expand any dimensionally restricted block element so that
oversize content is unable to overflow, as the specs require that
content to do. I will be comparing IE/win's way with the correct
behavior as seen in Firefox. The W3C says a rigidly sized block box
should allow oversize content to protrude or overflow beyond the edges
of the sized box. There is no real 'fix' for IE/win's incorrect
behavior, except to work around or avoid it..."
Teaching Dreamweaver Part 2
By Sheri German.
"Part two of my Dreamweaver course series is devoted to how I teach
students to create database-driven web pages and web applications.
During the course of the semester we put together a form that is
processed by a script, a login system based on access level that uses
Dreamweaver's Authentication Server Behaviors, and a blog as introduced
in a tutorial by Tom Muck. In the process, the students learn the
basics of the various skills they'll use: form construction, SQL,
database and web application design, and server model concepts..."
Introduction to Designing with CSS--Part 3: Creating Your First Design
Without Tables
By Adrian Senior.
"Create a CSS-positioned layout of a fixed-width page with a horizontal
navigation system...Note: This article has been updated for Dreamweaver
Introduction to Designing with CSS--Part 4: Creating a Two-Column Layout
By Adrian Senior.
"Modify the layout of your design by easily making dramatic structural
changes to your page...Note: This article has been updated for
Dreamweaver 8."
Too Fuzzy: Personas and Scenarios
By Michael Andrews.
Michael Andrews raised some concerns about personas and scenarios.
+06: EVENTS.
OZeWAI 2005
December 7-9 2005.
La Trobe University
Bundoora, Victoria (near Melbourne), Australia
The User Advocate: One Size Fits None?
By Dave Rogers.
"As an independent contractor, I routinely peruse the latest job
listings for information architecture (IA) positions. (Simply Hired
makes this a breeze.) And what I see often sticks in my crawl. Too many
companies seek individuals with a kaleidoscope of skills rarely found
this side of Mount Olympus. You know the job listings I mean..."
Variable Scope for New Programmers
By Jonathan Snook.
"I routinely see new programmers running into trouble with the concept
of variable scope. Its an extremely important concept, however, and
one that must be understood in order to develop a reliable application.
If you work in multiple programming languages, it can get even more
confusing?each language has its own set of rules about how variable
scope is handled."
Perpetuating the Myths of JavaScript Degradation
By Jeremy Keith.
"In many ways, its easier to make an Ajax enhancement degrade
gracefully (compared with non-Ajax JavaScript) because all of the
processing is shifted to the server rather than the client. When the
client environment is limited (by a lack of JavaScript), you can still
allow your visitor access to the core functionality, which is handled
on the server side. Whether that functionality is delivered through
discrete updates to an already loaded page (i.e. Ajax) or whether that
functionality is delivered through old-fashioned page requests simply
becomes a matter for the visitors browsing device. Once you can view
Ajax this way, then it becomes clear that graceful degradation is built
in from the start, almost without thinking about it..."
The Hows and Whys of Degradable Ajax
By Ryan Campbell.
"...So we've developed some solid strategies to help us use Ajax in our
apps without having to worry if theyre essential or not to the
application. After some heavy experimenting, we've developed a method
for making web pages work regardless of the users browser settings.
While other sites have implemented their own versions of degradable
Ajax, we found the lack of documentation on the subject discouraging.
And so it is with great pleasure that we present to you the
Particletree method of degradable Ajax..."
Exception Handling in JavaScript: Validating forms Introduction
By Alejandro Gervasio.
"...I'll explain through an illustrative example how exceptions can be
used to perform client-side form verification. Even when this approach
can be considered as an alternative method to regular form validating
techniques, its worth it have a look at this implementation..."
Exception Handling in JavaScript: Addressing Browser Incompatibilities
By Alejandro Gervasio.
"Welcome to the last part of the series Exception Handling in
JavaScript. As you might guess, I'm winding up this tutorial focused
on exploring the huge terrain of JavaScript exceptions, by running
through numerous examples about their application in real client
programs. Indeed, the topic is by far more extensive than can be
treated in a few articles, thus complete coverage is nearly impossible.
However, I've explained in a friendly way the basics of exceptions, by
introducing their core concepts as well as their direct implementation
in concrete cases."
What Is Web 2.0
By Tim O'Reilly.
"In the year and a half since, the term "Web 2.0" has clearly taken
hold, with more than 9.5 million citations in Google. But there's still
a huge amount of disagreement about just what Web 2.0 means, with some
people decrying it as a meaningless marketing buzzword, and others
accepting it as the new conventional wisdom. This article is an attempt
to clarify just what we mean by Web 2.0..."
Its Hard Being A Custodian
By Robert Nyman.
"Robert Nyman laments on the fact that the hard work you put into a
design might all be for nothing once the client gets their hands on it."
Web Design and Development Personality Indicators
By Molly E. Holzschlag.
"I've had enough! Frustrated with the range of attitudes and opinions I
deal with as a standards-oriented educator, I've decided to begin a
project (very) loosely based on the Meyers-Briggs personality
So, dear readers, I'm hoping you'll help me add and refine my
categories, but I'm off to a start with the following..."
Ten Questions For Jeremy Keith
By Russ Weakley.
"Jeremy Keith talks about the DOM, Javascript, ECMAscript, bad
good and evil, learning resources, a new book, liquid layouts and more."
Value of Breadcrumbs
By Jared Spool.
"...Where breadcrumbs are useful is in a context we call teleporting.
Teleporting is what happens when a user suddenly finds themselves in
the middle of the information architecture, often because of a search
result. For example, a user we observed on eBay typed 'accoustic
guitar' into the search engine and found several guitars, all listed
with this incorrect spelling of the word 'acoustic.' The user,
realizing that there might be more guitars, clicked on the eBays
breadcrumbs to see all of the listed guitars, regardless of spelling.
These days, where users teleport in because of Google searches and
internal search requests, breadcrumbs give the user a way to find solid
ground after they land."
+11: PHP.
PHP 101 (part 13): The Trashman Cometh
A primer in basic security.
By Vikram Vaswani.
"Over the next few paragraphs, I'm going to show you some basic tricks
to validate user input, catch 'bad' data before it corrupts your
calculations and databases, and provide user notification in a gentle,
understandable and non-threatening way. To prepare for this exercise, I
suggest you spin up a CD of John Lennon singing 'Imagine', fill your
heart with peace and goodwill towards all men, and take a few deep,
calming breaths. Once you've exhaled, we can get going."
Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL, Part 2
By Marc Wandschneider.
This content is excerpted from Chapter 13 of the new book, "Core Web
Application Development with PHP and MySQL."
Making it Legal: Validating Your (X)HTML and CSS
By Zoe Gillenwater.
"As a web designer, your goal is to create a page that works well and
looks good across browsers and platforms. Validating your (X)HTML and
CSS is one way to achieve this goal. Validation catches the silly
mistakes and typos that everyone makes in their pages, so it's an
important first step in creating a great web page ? but remember, it's
only a step. Validation is not the end goal itself. Learn why
validation is important but not the holy grail of web design, then
learn how to use and understand the W3C validators."
Better Control and Cost Savings with Style Sheets
By Robert Nyman.
"By using style sheets you will gain better control, achieve easier
maintenance and increase performance while saving bandwidth. Together
with correct semantic code, you will also reach a better search-engine
ranking and automatically increase your Web sites accessibility."
+13: TOOLS.
Lumberjack (The Javascript Logger) Demo
By Corey Johnson.
" Do you write javascript? Are you sick of using alerts to find out
what is happening in your code? Then Lumberjack is for you! It helps
beat down the nightmare that is cross-browser javascript debugging."
How Usable is Jakob Nielsen?
By Frank Spillers.
"Jakob Nielsen is still very popular outside the usability community.
Amongst his colleagues however, his popularity has been eroding
steadily. Why? There are a couple of reasons for this..."
Usability Studies 101: Forests and Trees
By Joseph Carrabis.
"NextStage's Joseph Carrabis shows how fixing problems with your
creative design can create new problems, unless you know the right
questions to ask..."
Usability Studies 101: Maslow's Hammer
By Joseph Carrabis.
"NextStage's Joseph Carrabis lets us know that the key to a good test
is finding out what really causes the subject's reaction."
+15: XML.
The xml Prolog, Strict Mode, and XHTML in IE
By Chris Wilson.
"I realized as I read through the comments to my last blog post that I
forgot to mention one important item that was in my presentation. We
have fixed the DOCTYPE switch so it will skip an XML prolog, so that
valid XHTML can be handled in strict compliance mode rather than quirks
mode. I've also been reading comments for some time in the IEBlog
asking for support for the 'application/xml+xhtml' MIME type in IE. I
should say that IE7 will not add support for this MIME type ? we will,
of course, continue to read XHTML when served as text/html, presuming
it follows the HTML compatibility recommendations. We fixed the
problem with our DOCTYPE switch explicitly so that this mechanism is
easier to use, and it is generally easy to set up most servers to
conditionally serve content as 'text/html' when the
application/xml+xhtml MIME type is not supported.
[Section one ends.]
+16: What Can You Find at the Web Design Reference Site?
Accessibility Information.
Association Information.
Book Listings.
Cascading Style Sheets Information.
Color Information.
Dreamweaver Information.
Evaluation & Testing Information.
Event Information.
Flash Information.
Information Architecture Information.
JavaScript Information.
Miscellaneous Web Information.
Navigation Information.
PHP Information.
Sites & Blogs Listing.
Standards, Guidelines & Pattern Information.
Tool Information.
Typography Information.
Usability Information.
XML Information.
[Section two ends.]
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accessible Text Email Newsletter (TEN) guidelines. Please let me know
if there is anything else we can do to make navigation easier. For TEN
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Until next time,
Laura L. Carlson
Information Technology Systems and Services
University of Minnesota Duluth
Duluth, MN U.S.A. 55812-3009
mailto:lcarlson at d.umn.edu
[Issue ends.]
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