+++ WEB DESIGN UPDATE. - Volume 25, Issue 27, December 31, 2024. An email newsletter to distribute news and information about web design and development. ++ISSUE 27 CONTENTS. SECTION ONE: New references. What's new at the Web Design Reference site? https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/ New links in these categories: 01: ACCESSIBILITY. 02: CASCADING STYLE SHEETS. 03: DRUPAL. 04: EVENTS. 05: HTML. 06: JAVASCRIPT. 07: MISCELLANEOUS. 08: USABILITY. SECTION TWO: 09: What Can You Find at the Web Design Reference Site? [Contents ends.] ++ SECTION ONE: New references. +01: ACCESSIBILITY. Misleading Icons: Icon-Only-Buttons and Their Impact on Screen Readers By Alexander Muzenhardt. "…you receive an email from a user who can't access the new feature. The user points out that they don't understand what the button does. What do they mean? You review your code, locate the button, and start digging into the problem…" https://htmhell.dev/adventcalendar/2024/27/ Improve Accessibility of User Authentication By Bogdan Cerovac. "Authentication is often a burden to many different groups of users, but for people depending on assistive technologies it can be a total barrier. What can we do to improve that?…" https://cerovac.com/a11y/2024/12/improve-accessibility-of-user-authentication/ A Simple Guide to Providing Useful Alt on Bluesky By Gregory J. Rosmaita. "…ALT's sole function on Bluesky is to provide an autonomous & as fully equivalent an experience of an image as possible for the blind/VI & neurodivergent. If you can see it & read it, I should be able to feel or hear it without leaving Bluesky…" https://bsky.app/profile/oedipusnj.bsky.social/post/3jywm7v5vtl2y The Christmas Day truce between Be My Eyes AI and me did not last the day. By Gregory J. Rosmaita. "An absolutely excruciating attempt to get a logical, believable description from the app. Guaranteed to curdle the milk of human kindness…" https://mastodon.social/@oedipusnj@kolektiva.social/113716085162155685 Exchange: https://share.bemyeyes.com/en-US/chat/3iafM2UegG No ARIA is Better Than Bad ARIA (Video) By Karl Groves. "If you pay much attention to the folks in social media who talk about accessibility a lot, you may have heard the phrase that 'No ARIA is better than bad ARIA'. I figured I'd like describe what they mean by that…" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Itiw2FI12qs Broken Frames. Navigating Imperfect Accessibility Frameworks for Trauma-Informed Outcomes By Josh Kim. "Hi! I'm Josh. Thanks for making your way here. I'm excited to have you around…" https://www.designedwithcare.org/chapters/extras/broken-frames Why Are We So Rubbish at Accessibility? By Carme Mias. "…Yes, we are rubbish. Strong words, I know, but justified…" https://carmemias.com/why-are-we-so-rubbish-at-accessibility/ 9 Key Accessibility Laws for Mobile Apps: What You Need to Know By Aleksandra Zadorozna. "Accessibility regulations can be confusing. We explain them clearly so you know what applies to your mobile app and how to comply…" https://www.thedroidsonroids.com/blog/accessibility-standards-mobile-apps Websites Are Not Places of Public Accommodation Subject to Title III of the ADA, Federal Court in New York Rules By David Raizman. "In a careful, reasoned decision that deeply explored the meaning of 'public accommodation' under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York held in Mejia v. High Brew Coffee Inc. that websites and virtual-only businesses are not subject to the requirements of Title III of the ADA.…" https://ogletree.com/insights-resources/blog-posts/websites-are-not-places-of-public-accommodation-subject-to-title-iii-of-the-ada-federal-court-in-new-york-rules/ +02: CASCADING STYLE SHEETS. CSS margin-trim and Line Height Units By Jen Simmons. "Learn ways of perfecting design with line height units and margin-trim…" https://12daysofweb.dev/2024/css-margin-trim-line-height-units/ text-box By Robin Rendle. "I'm real excited about text-box, a new CSS property that helps with text alignment and layout. You might remember whispers about leading-trim from a few years back and this new syntax has replaced all that." https://robinrendle.com/notes/text-box/ CSS light-dark() By Mayank. "A new CSS function that returns one of two color values based on the current color scheme…" https://12daysofweb.dev/2024/css-light-dark/ CSS Wants to Be a System By Dave Rupert. "I’ve realized something obvious again, this time about CSS; that CSS wants to be a system…" https://daverupert.com/2024/12/css-wants-to-be-a-system/ +03: BOOKS. Rauschmayer, Axel. Exploring JavaScript, Independently published, 2019. Now free to read the full book online https://exploringjs.com/js/book/index.html +04: EVENTS. Enhancing Accessibility Metrics for IT Performance Management February 4, 2025. Online https://www.section508.gov/event/itacm-feb2025/ State of Open Conference February 4-5, 2025. London, England, United Kingdom https://stateofopencon.com/ Web Accessibility Camp February 17, 2025. Perth, Australia https://www.meetup.com/perth-accessibility/events/302926379/ Accessibility Professional Network 2025 Conference March 27-28, 2025. Online and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada https://www.rickhansen.com/APN2025 Web Con April 3-4, 2025. Online https://webcon.illinois.edu/ +05: HTML. PSA: Stop Using the title Attribute as Tooltip! By Daniela Kubesch. "…It's simple. The title attribute is inaccessible. Users of mobile phones and tablets, users of assistive technologies, and keyboard only users cannot interact with it. If you want a tooltip, a much better, and accessible, option is using the popover attribute. Note: The only place where you should (& must) use the title attribute is on an iframe…" https://htmhell.dev/adventcalendar/2024/22/ Please Keep Your HTML Tables Clean and Lean, if You Really Need to Use Them By Bogdan Cerovac. "Tables are sometimes critical for understanding, and even if HTML supports quite complex tables we should keep them as simple as possible…" https://cerovac.com/a11y/2024/12/please-keep-your-html-tables-clean-and-lean-if-you-really-need-to-use-them/ Why Heading Order Matters in HTML By Grace Snow. "Just like a well-organised document needs a clear table of contents, your HTML needs a logical hierarchy of headings. …" https://fedmentor.dev/posts/heading-order/ The Search input: They Almost Got It Right By Steve Frenzel. "This example is a classic - in a bad way - and can cause quite some confusion for users of assistive technology (AT). But it's also very easy to fix…" https://htmhell.dev/adventcalendar/2024/24/ datalists Are More Powerful Than You Think By Alexis Degryse. "I think we all know the element (and if you don't, it's ok). It holds a list of