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Inheritance, in the world of CSS, isn't all that different from inheritance in the real world. When people have children they can pass on certain physical traits -- hair color, height, build, etc. In fact, from generation to generation, children inherit characteristics from their parents, who in turn inherited those traits from their parents.
You can also think of a Web page as a family of sorts, containing parent-child relationships. It's structured like a family tree. For instance, the <html> tag is like the patriarch (or matriarch) of the family -- all other tags are its offspring (see Figure 1). The <head> and <body> tags are its immediate children, and they in turn have their own children -- the <title> tag, for example, is a child of the <head> tag.
If all this talk of a family tree doesn't make sense to you, here's another way to think about it: If a tag is nested inside of another tag, it's a descendent of that tag. For example, every <table> tag has at least one <tr> (table row) inside it. That <tr> tag is a child of the <table>. In turn, <tr> tags have their own children -- <td> tags which indicate a single table cell.
When an element gets styled, you expect (in most cases) that its descendant elements will also be styled. For example, if you set a ul element to have italicized text, you assume that the list items within that list will be in italics: that's inheritance at work. Not every property is inherited. You wouldn't expect that a border around a ul element would lead to borders around each of the li elements; borders aren't inherited.
Inherited values are computed values. Let's say you set a table element to font-size: 200%. That size is computed to a specific length (for example in pixels, but it could be in any unit) and the computed size is inherited by the elements within that table; otherwise, every element would be twice as big as its parent! Exception: numeric values for line-height are inherited "in the raw". Inherited values always lose to values explicitily assigned by rules in the stylesheet. If you set ul elements to be red and li elements to be blue, they'll be blue because the assigned value of blue overrides the inherited value of red.
Inheritance is a formalized feature of Cascading Style Sheets, so it's good to know what it is and how it works. But beyond that, using inheritance to pass frequently used properties to children tags means less formatting for you and easier updating of default properties.