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At its core, specificity is the mechanism by which the rest of CSS works. It is used to decide which selectors are more specific than others, and therefore which rules will apply to a given element. For example, consider the following:
p.warning {color: red;} */ specificity = 0-1-1 */
div table p {color: magenta;} */ specificity = 0-0-3 */
Okay, now assume that you have a paragraph with a
of warning
which is found
inside a table
which is contained within a
. Both rules apply to the paragraph in
question-- so which one is used? A first reaction might be to
say that the second wins, because it comes later in the
stylesheet. That is, after all, one of the rules of CSS.
However, the rules state that if two selectors
have the same specificity, origin, and so on,
then the later one wins.
Our example rules don't have the same specificity. Therefore, the rule whose selector has a higher specificity will win, and warning paragraphs will be the appropriate color. In this case, it's the first rule, so they'll be red. However, if we change the rules like this:
p.warning {color: red;} */ specificity = 0-1-1 */
div table p.warning {color: magenta;} */ specificity = 0-1-3
Now the second rule has a higher specificity, so it wins out, regardless of whether it comes before or after the first rule. In other words, I could also have reversed the order of the rules, and the 'magenta' rule would still be more specific than the 'red' one. Thus warning paragraphs inside tables which are inside divs will be magenta. Of course, warning paragraphs in any other context will still be red, since the 'red' rule matches all warning paragraphs, regardless of their location.
Selects any em element that is a descendant of a li element that is a descendant of an ul element.
Selects any element with a class attribute that contains the word example that is a descendant of a body element with an id attribute that equals home.
Selects any a element which is in a hover state that is a descendant of a p element with a class attribute that contains the word footer.
Selects any p element that is a descendant of any element that immediately follows (is sibling to) a h1 element.
Selects any a element whose target has been visited that is a descendant of an ul element that is a child of any element with a class attribute that contains the word aside that is a child of a body element.
Selects any img element with an alt attribute that is a descendant of an a element whose target has not been visited and which is in a hover state.
Selects any li element that is a child of any element with an #ID that equals que that immediately follows (is sibling to) a div element with a title attribute.
Selects the first displayed line in a p element with a class attribute that contains the word help and that is a first child.
Selects any element that is a descendant of any element that immediately follows (is sibling to) any element that is a child of any element that is a descendant of any element that is a child of any element that immediately follows (is sibling to) any element.
Selects the first letter of a p element that is a descendant of a td element that is a descendant of a tr element that is a descendant of a table element that is a descendant of a div element with a class attribute that contains the word ii that is a descendant of a body element that is a descendant of a html element which is in a language or locale whose identifier equals en or begins with en-.
Simple or not, specificity is a cornerstone of the CSS specification, and it's all too often misunderstood. By thoroughly understanding its behavior, authors can avoid a number of common mistakes in selector construction and the order in which selectors are written. The payoffs range from diagnosing places where one selector vastly outweighs another to figuring out which pseudo-classes need to come last. Although the clash over inline style specificity has yet to play out to its conclusion, for the moment authors can generally rely on inline styles winning out over embedded or external styles. All in all, it behooves every CSS author to study specificity closely and understand it completely.