School Liaison Officer Information Page


This is a picture of a school liaison officer division


If you finish reading about the school liaison officer occupation and you'd like to learn more...




Our composition group met our interviewee in his office at the that he works with. He is an officer at a police department where half his job is located at. Being a police school liaisons officer is a tough job. It consists of many responsibilities to the city and the school. The main responsibility of the liaison officer is to help maintain a safe school environment. This means giving classroom presentations on various topics such as alcohol and drug abuse. He must make the presentations comfortable to the students so that they feel free to ask questions. This helps maintain a good relationship with the students and is half the job in creating a safe school environment. The other half is patrolling the halls and parking lots, and helping students with interpersonal problems that they might have with other students; such as fighting. One of the most important issues of today is school shooting. The liaison officer has the duty to inform the public with helpful information on these incidents, and also has to get involved in the case by talking to students.


Although keeping the schools safe seems like a job in its own, its not. The school liaison officer is also a police officer, patrolling the streets and neighborhoods. He has the power to arrest and/or detain a criminal for various crimes. He writes citations, violations, and tickets, same as a regular police officer would do.