Correctional Management

For our interview project we chose to interview a case manager at Northwood detention center. As a group our beforehabd research consisted of reading books and internet sites. Most of our research cosisted of the history and evolution of management philosophies. The research told us about responceabilities and functions of a case manager in a treatment facility. In doing research beforehand we found out qualifications for a case management position at Northwood which is a BA degree with 2 yrs. experience.

Resoncabilities of a case manager include clients intake and evaluation. Also, managers duties are to review Co-workers performanc and a lot of paper work. Case managers are responcable for the treatment and well beings in their group enviroment. This includes makeing sure the client gets to school, performs well in situations, and an overall progress in the right direction. Another responcabnility of the case manager is to enforce northwoods policies and proceedures. The case manager has to have working knowlege of policies and pass them on to staff.

As far as the interview goes we as a group learned a lot. it was fun to ask someone with experience in the feild som e questions. We found out about what a day is like, his expectations as an employee in the institution, ad what keeps him there working.

In cinclusion we as a group learned alot from this interview assingment. It was very interesting to talk to someone with first hand experience in a feild that we are going into after graduation. I relly enjoyed the time I spent in the interview and know the experience will last a lifetime.


Correctional Managment by James G. Houstan

Active Analytic Group Therapy for Adolescents by John evans

Various web sites in the internet.


Click here for links to correction sites

Click here for information about education and corrections

Click here for information about the ethical treatment of inmates

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