Composition 3110

Advanced Writing for Students in the Arts and Letters

Peer Editing Guidelines for Assignment 5
Grant Proposal

  1. In your own words, what is your classmate proposing to do in this project? What is this project's most distinctive feature?

  2. What is the most distinctive thing about your classmate's qualifications? Which of these qualifications most suits your classmate for the proposed project?

  3. In the statements on procedure and budget, has your classmate included enough details to indicate that he or she has thought a great deal about how to accomplish the stated goals? Indicate any areas that need more detail or any details that require further explanation before they will be clear to you. Also, write questions if you are still uncertain about what your classmate plans to do for this project.

  4. Has your classmate established a need for her or his project? How can he or she make the argument that this project is necessary more compelling?

  5. Indicate any statements in this proposal that sound overly tentative or uncertain.

  6. Do the budget and timetable appear to be realistic and consistent with the demands of the overall project? How could the format of these two sections be clearer? Explain also whether or not your classmate made the correct decision in including or omitting the timetable.

  7. Write three questions about the topic in response to your classmate's paper.

John D. Schwetman, Composition 3110, Spring 2000