Peer Editing Guidelines for Assignment 3

  1. What has your classmate chosen to review? What is her or his opinion of its merits?

  2. Consider your classmate's explanation of the production or event. Which detail about it stands out most strongly in this explanation? What would you add to the overview to make the synopsis or overview clearer?

  3. In stating her or his opinion about the work, your classmate has focused on which key details? Do these details support your classmate's argument effectively? If not, how could he or she improve this explanation?

  4. How has your classmate organized this argument about the merits of the selected work? How might she or he improve this organization?

  5. Indicate any parts of the review that do not flow together very well or lose you and suggest ways to make the review easier to read.

  6. If you are also familiar with this production, do you agree with your classmate's assessment of it? If you are not familiar with this production or exhibit, do you plan to see/hear/attend it now that you have read the review?

  7. Write one question about the work in question motivated by this review.

John D. Schwetman, Composition 3110, Spring 2000