Peer Editing Guidelines for Assignment 2
Research Proposal

Spend 20 minutes reviewing your classmate's proposal according to the following guidelines. If you finish early, do not stop editing. Take the extra time to go back over your comments and make sure they are clear. This may require you to add more comments and add emphasis to comments you have already made.

First, read through the proposal once without writing anything down. Then, read through it again making some comments in the margins. After this, address the questions below.

The Topic—Who is the artist or what is the artwork your classmate has chosen to study for this proposal? Is this an artist you have heard of before? Does the proposal present this artist and her or his importance clearly and succinctly in the "Purpose" paragraph? How might you change this section to make it clearer to readers?

Introduction—How has your classmate organized the introduction? Write a brief outline of this section. Do you recommend any rearrangements of the different parts? Make a note in the margins for any place where you got lost while reading this section. Consider also the effectiveness of the examples of the artist's work your classmate has included in this section.

Procedure—Is this procedure consistent with the purpose of this project that your classmate has already stated? Is this procedure feasible? If not, why? Recommend any changes to this section to make the chronology of proposed tasks clearer.

General Issues—Consider the scope of this project. Is it too general and require more focus? Or is too focused and could use some expansion. Also consider how your classmate has demonstrated a need for further research on this topic. What is the "hook" to make this proposal stand out from others of its kind? How might you make this proposal even more noticeable?

Questions—Please write three questions directed at your classmate's topic.

Offer your classmates' proposals the same consideration that you would like your own proposal to receive. You will need to turn in peer-reviewed working drafts with the final drafts of your proposals next week, and I will grade the comments you give your classmates in this exercise.

John D. Schwetman, Composition 3110, Spring 2000