Composition 3110

Advanced Writing for Students in the Arts and Letters

Research Project and Oral Presentation

Due Dates: Requirements:
Draft: April 27
Group Presentations:
April 25, 27 and May 2, 4
Final Draft Due: May 4
  • a report on work in the arts or letters in a particular medium or addressing a unified theme
  • an oral presentation in which each group member participates and presents a particular artist's work or other sub-topic
Additional Assignment Notes



For the last part of this semester, you will work in groups of students with similar interests. Each group will be responsible for the following:

As the part of the group, each individual will have the following responsibilities:

  1. To cooperate with other members of the group and make sure that everyone does her or his fair share of the above assignments.
  2. To write a 5-6 page research report on selected works by one artist or writer in the group's chosen medium. (If necessary, it may be possible to divide these tasks up according to some other set of categories.) You will turn this in as part of the group's report.
  3. To present a brief oral presentation on the chosen artist's or writer's works along with the rest of the group. Presentation should include some sort of visual aid-a representation of the work or illustrations pertaining to the written work.
Additional Assignment Notes
John D. Schwetman, Composition 3110, Spring 2000