English 1001—Great American Authors

Discussion Questions for Selected Poems by Langston Hughes, selections from "Magnolia Flowers," and "Name in Uphill Letters"

  1. According to "Mulatto," what leads to the birth of a Mulatto boy? What is the attitude of the Mulatto's white father toward him?

  2. What does Hughes protest in the poems in "Magnolia Flowers"? Which image from these poems is the most powerful in advancing his argument about race relations in the South?

  3. Hughes has conflicted feelings about the South. Which qualities of the region in his poem "The South" prevent him from simply hating the place altogether?

  4. In the section titled "Name in Uphill Letters," Hughes has included poems about the Great Migration. How does he describe the North in these poems? What is the appeal of the North to his characters?

  5. In "Note on Commercial Theater," what is Hughes protesting?

  6. Which images does Hughes use to depict police brutality in "Who But the Lord?" and "Third Degree"? What do the police represent to the characters in these two poems?

John D. Schwetman
February 28, 2001