Assignment One

Analysis of a Brief Early American Passage
Due Dates:
Working Draft—September 16th, 2024
Final Draft—September 30th, 2024
  • 3-5 typed pages
  • MLA Format


To construct a persuasive argument about the meaning of a brief passage from a selected work of literature. The argument should have a solid grounding a close reading of the text in question.

Passage Choices

The lands which here obey Your Highnesses are more extensive and richer than all other Christian lands. After I, by the divine will, had placed them under your royal and exalted lordship, and was on the point of securing a very great revenue, suddenly, while I was waiting for ships to come to your high presence with victory and with great news of gold, being very secure and joyful, I was made a prisoner and with my two brothers was thrown into a ship, laden with fetters, stripped to the skin, very ill-treated, and without being tried or condemned. (Christopher Columbus, "from 'Letter to Luis de Santangel Regarding the First Voyage,'" Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume A, p. 60)
And the next morning I came upon four Christians on horseback, who felt greatly startled to see me, so strangely dressed and in the company of Indians. They stood there looking at me for a long stretch of time, so astonished that they neither spoke to me nor found words to ask me anything. I told them to lead me to where their captain was, and so we went half a league from there to see Diego de Alcaraz, who was their captain. (ēlvar Nu–ez Cabeza de Vaca, "from The Relation of Álvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca," Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume A., p. 73)
The spring now approaching, it pleased God the mortality began to cease amongst them, and the sick and lame recovered apace, which put as it were new life into them, though they had borne their sad affliction with much patience and contentedness, as I think any people could do. But it was the Lord which upheld them, and had beforehand prepared them; many having long borne the yoke, yea from their youth. (William Bradford, from Of Plymouth Plantation, Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume A, p. 149)
Farewell dear babe, my heart's too much content,
Farewell sweet babe, the pleasure of mine eye,
Farewell fair flower that for a space was lent,
Then ta'en way unto eternity.
Blest babe, why should I once bewail thy fate,
Or sigh thy days so soon were terminate,
Sith thou art settled in an everlasting state.
(Anne Bradstreet, "In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet, Who Deceased August, 1665, Being a Year and a Half Old," Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume A, ll. 1-7)


  1. Choose one of the above passages.

  2. Take notes including specific details in the passage that explain its meaning and significance. Such details include word choice, comparison/contrast, imagery, punctuation, and anything else the author has used in order to make their meaning clear to an audience. (It may not be possible to find an example of each of these elements.) Focus on those that are the most useful in explaining the meaning of the passage.

  3. Formulate a thesis statement summing up the meaning and importance of the chosen passage. This thesis will undoubtedly change as you write your paper, but at least it will give you a starting point. A good thesis is arguable rather than obvious to people in your audience who have read the chosen text.

  4. Write a draft of your argument about the passage in question. Refer to specific words and phrases in the selected passage to support the claims in your argument. You may also refer to other quotations in the larger work, as long as you maintain your focus on the passage in question.

  5. Have a word-processed, correctly formatted draft of this paper ready to share in class on September 16th, 2024, for peer editing. Include the entire chosen quotation at the top of the first page of this and the final draft.

  6. After considering feedback you received from peer editors and after reconsidering your own argument, revise your paper.

  7. Proofread your draft to identify and correct spelling and grammatical errors.

  8. Turn in the completed final draft along with a peer-edited working draft in class on September 30th, 2024.

Close Reading

Close reading means paying careful attention to details in a written work. Since you will be looking more closely at this passage than most people who read it, your paper can offer perspectives on its meaning that will engage your audience by challenging expectations. In analyzing a brief passage, you might ask yourself the following questions:

What, literally, takes place in the passage?

Where in the larger work does the passage occur?

Who speaks in this passage? To whom?

How is this passage different from any other passage in the text?

Does the author use any terms that will be unfamiliar to 21st-century readers? What do these terms mean? How have these terms changed since the author first wrote the passage? NOTE: Two of these passages are in a modern-English translation from Spanish. The two remaining passages are in their original English but from a time before the regularization of many spelling rules. Thus, the writer's spelling of a particular word probably tells us very little about his or her intentions.

Does the author use any imagery in making his or her point? The most common forms of imagery include metaphor, simile, personification and symbol. Not all passages will contain straightforward examples of imagery, however.

Does the author allude to any other works of literature? The Bible is one common source of allusions in early American literature and it is often worthwhile to consult a Bible for the original verse or verses.

What will make this paper interesting to an audience consisting of your classmates, your teacher and yourself? You will want to tell them something new—that would not otherwise have occurred to them after reading this passage.

Remember: A close reading of a passage is not the same as a summary of the passage. A close reading provides much more insight into what the passage means and gets beyond the obvious interpretations of it. Resist the temptation to let the structure of the chosen passage determine the organization of your analysis of it.

Writing Tips

I have based the following writing tips on common difficulties that students encounter when writing papers for this class.

  1. Develop an arguable and interesting thesis statement that applies directly to the passage (i. e., that you could not write about any other poem).


    My thoughts do yield me more content
    Than can thy hours in pleasure spent.
    Nor are they shadows, which I catch,
    Nor fancies vain at which I snatch,
    But reach at things that are so high
    Beyond thy dull capacity:
    Eternal substance I do see,
    With which enrichŽd I would be. (Anne Bradstreet, "The Flesh and the Spirit," Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume A, ll. 69-76)

    NOT AN ARGUABLE THESIS: In the above lines, Anne Bradstreet argues against material pleasures.

    ARGUABLE THESIS: While, on its surface, "Flesh and the Spirit" makes its case by opposing the physical to the spiritual world, these lines describe an experience revealing that physical and spiritual worlds cannot maintain the strict separation that the poem seeks to establish.

  2. Organize your argument around this thesis statement. Think of between two and four sub-points and structure your argument around them (three being the most common).

    Sample Outline (for the above thesis):

    1. From the title to the names of the poem's allegorical main characters, "Flesh and Spirit" conveys a stark opposition between spiritual and physical worlds.

    2. When Bradstreet explains her spiritual orientation, she must give the spiritual world the qualities of "eternal substance" while diminishing shadows and "fancies vain."

    3. As this passage demonstrates, "Flesh and the Spirit" starts as argument against physical pleasure, but it transforms itself into a meditation on the difficulty of conveying spiritual truths in a language dependent on physical realities.

  3. MLA format means you should include a list of works cited at the end of your paper, even if it only includes one work. For example:

    Bradstreet, Anne. "Flesh and the Spirit." The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Volume A. Tenth Edition. Ed. Robert S. Levine. W. W. Norton, 2024. 227-230.

    Please note differences between this bibliographic format and the parenthetical citation format of the above passage selections on page 1. They are not the same.

  4. Some grammatical tips:

    1. Avoid using the passive voice whenever it is possible to do so. When writing in the passive voice, you remove the subject from the sentence or at least de-emphasize it. This makes writing less engaging to most readers.


      ACTIVE VOICE: William Bradford leads a community of Pilgrims to Massachusetts.
              (Note structure: subject/verb/object)

      PASSIVE VOICE: A community of Pilgrims is led to Massachusetts by William Bradford. (Structure: object/"to be" verb/past participle)

      ACTIVE VOICE: William Bradford led a community of Pilgrims to Massachusetts.

      PASSIVE VOICE: A community of Pilgrims was led to Massachusetts by William Bradford. (Passive voice can exist in any verb tense.)

    2. Avoid contractions when writing college papers. Replace they're with they are and replace don't with do not (these are just a few examples of the numerous possible contractions out there.

    3. Italicization is the best way to signal that you are referring to a word itself and not to the thing that the word represents. Notice how I am using italicization of the terms in the preceding section "b" and the following section "d". You should also italicize titles of books, magazines, journals and films (even in parenthetical references and lists of works cited), and foreign-language words like Bildungsroman or sine qua non.

    4. The word it's (with an apostrophe) is a contraction of it is. The word its (without an apostrophe) is the possessive of it. Its and whose both deviate from the standard rule about possessives.