Glengarry Glen Ross Project

Due Date: Requirements:
13 November 2023
  • Video or GoogleSlide response
  • Individually or in small groups


David Mamet's Glengarry Glen Ross came out to great acclaim onstage in 1983, and then also as a film in 1992. Produce a presentation on video or on GoogleSlides that examines this play and film's legacies as literary artifacts.


  1. Identify a topic or specific detail in the film version of the play and consider how it fits into its historical context of the 1980s and early 1990s.

  2. Consult 2-3 sources that can help you expand on this topic or detail and provide the basis for understanding how it has changed between then and now.

  3. Produce a video or GoogleSlide presentation that includes a scene from the film in some way and allows your group to explain how Mamet's Glengarry Glen Ross has evolved over time. How would 2023 audiences respond different to the film than 1992 audiences did? How does your chosen topic or detail help us track these cultural changes?

  4. Submit the completed project on Monday, 13 November 2023 by the end of the day.

Grading Standards

Projects will receive A-F grades based on the following criteria:

Adherence to topic guidelines.

Clarity of the argument.

Effective use of examples.

Creativity in interpreting the film version of Glengarry Glen Ross and its legacy.

Possible Topics

Data/office technologies

Urban life

Gender differences

David Mamet

The performers and their individual legaciesÑAlec Baldwin, Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alan Arkin, Ed Harris, Kevin Spacey, and Jonathan Pryce

Vacation property business

Sales tactics

Immigrant communities, immigrant identities

Many, many other possible topics