Presentations on the Novel

Due Dates: Requirements:
Sign up for a time and date to present 5-10 minute oral presentation
Individually or as part of a group
(Group presentations should take at least 5 minutes per group member.)


Choose the assigned reading for one day of class and examine a particular conflict within that section of reading. Present this conflict and your interpretation of it to the class in five to ten minutes. Which characters or concepts does this conflict involve? To which extent does the author signal her or his own sympathies on one side or the other? How does this conflict situate itself within the larger context of the novel and among other conflicts?


  1. Sign up for one reading on the syllabus. If you wish, work with the other students who have signed up for that same novel (on a different day) to consider shared issues across the novel.

  2. Take notes on the reading's peculiarities—what makes this section of the novel distinct? You may also use visual aids if they wish (chalkboard, PowerPoint, etc.). You may present your analysis individually, or as part of a group of students addressing the same reading.

  3. Sign up for a presentation slot some time before Tuesday, September 11th, 2018.

Grading Standards

Presentations will receive A-F grades based on the following criteria:

Clarity of the argument about the conflict in the novel.

Effective use of examples from the text.

Creativity in interpreting specific quotations from the novel.