Seminar Paper Guidelines

Due Dates: Requirements:
Proposal—September 21, 2015
Abstract—October 7, 2015
Prospectus—October 21, 2015
Annotated Bibliography—November 2, 2015
Working Draft—November 18, 2015 Final Draft—December 9, 2015
  • MLA format
  • 15-20 pages, typed, double-spaced
  • Minimum of 7 secondary sources consisting of books or refereed journal articles


To identify an interpretive problem in a significant work of Anglophone literature and present a persuasive argument in support of a particular interpretation of the text with support from the works of prior critics of the text.


Choose one literary work in English that is of some arguable significance and identify a topic associated with the interpretation of this work. After careful consideration of the topic, the work and published works by other literary critics addressing it, formulate a thesis statement for an argument about related issues and problems. Organize your argument around this thesis statement.

Support your argument with evidence including quotations from the text and from various sources in accordance with the MLA format. The paper should also include some quotations from those secondary sources that you find the most useful in presenting your argument. Bring a 10-page minimum draft of you paper to class on November 18th, 2015 for peer editing. After receiving comments from your classmates, revise and proofread before turning the final draft in on December 9th, 2015.


Identify a call for papers or conference presentations and obtain a copy of it. Then, write a proposal for a submission consisting of an introduction to your topic, a thesis statement, and an explanation of how you will be approaching the problem as you have identified it. Word limits depend on requirements indicated in call for papers. Due September 21st, 2015.


Write a very brief summary of your seminar paper (approximately 200 words). Also, include a list of 4-5 keywords associated with your project. Due October 7th, 2015.


This is your argument for the validity and importance of your project. In it, you will define a research problem and significant questions related to it. In addition, you will briefly review the existing state of the critical conversation regarding this problem, with the goal of identifying how you plan to contribute to this conversation. In addition, you will wish to address methodological questions, such as which critical approach or approaches will inform your analysis. Finally, write a research plan that identifies needed resources and dates for completing certain stages of the project. In many ways, this is a dry run for material that would make up an application for research funding, such as the English Department's Summer Plan B Fellowship. It should be three pages long and is due on October 21st, 2015.

Annotated Bibliography

Identify eight secondary sources pertaining to your research paper topic. List them according to the MLA format for a list of works cited. Add approximately 100 words of commentary to each entry explaining what it contributes to your understanding of the topic, what its critical orientation is, and what you think of it qualitatively. Turn this in on November 2nd, 2015.