Life in Duluth

Hey! If you are actually reading this, you're most likely a freshman at UMD.

What you may not be, however, is aware of the activities available to you!

I've taken it onto myself to prepare a quick web-tour of Duluth,

complete with links to both on and off campus activity pages;

the perfect places to find stuff going on all around you!




City of Duluth Tourism

There are many fun activities put on by the city itself, such as the "movies in the park" program.

I have attended the movies in the park myself multiple times; always a fun experience, and it's free!


Superior Trails Duluth guide

Superior Trails, a tourism website, has put together a great guide to the city of Duluth:

complete with pictures of things around town!

Check it out


Late night Kirby

Late night kirby is a great resource for fun events on campus; if you're looking for a concert,

or a movie,

or a stand up comedian

without even having to leave the school then this is the place for you!