Webpage Project

Web Page Planning Worksheet

  1. Form into groups of three or four and choose one of the following questions:

    How might high schools better prepare students for entry into college?
    How might UMD improve its orientation programs for new students?
    How might the College of Liberal Arts improve its Learning Community program?
    What do you expect from your academic advisors?
    What is a course that you would like to take that UMD does not currently offer?
    Should students choose majors in the sciences, humanities or social sciences?
    What should be the role of computer technology in your college classrooms?
    What is the area of UMD outside of the classroom that could use the greatest improvement (dormitories, dining, extra-curriculars, advising, job-placement, financial aid, parking, etc.)?
    What is the best way for instructors at UMD to deal with cheating or plagiarism?
    What is the answer to persistent conflicts between Duluth college students who rent houses and their neighbors?
    What are the pros and cons to spending your college years in Duluth?
    Which are better-public or private universities?
    To what extent should public tax dollars subsidize your college education?
    What are the limits to academic freedom or what should the limits be?
    Should the federal government provide low-interest college loans to American college students? or should private banks provide such loans?
    What should the drinking age be in the United States?
    What is the best approach to drug addiction in the US? treatment or punishment?
    Should the United States reinstitute a draft? If so, should it preserve the exemption for college students that existed during much of the Vietnam War?
    Do you hate all of these questions? If so, come up with your own question that you can answer as part of this assignment.
  2. Identify as many possible answers to this question as you can. Consider also possible related questions or follow-up questions.

  3. Identify different approaches to these questions or different subtopics that will form your group's response(s) to the chosen question. Assign one to each group member.

    Name: ___________________________
    Name: ___________________________
    Name: ___________________________
    Name: ___________________________
    Name: ___________________________
  4. Would your group like to present this information as part of a debate for up to 5 additional points per group member? If so, identify the possible PRO and CON arguments to be presented in such a debate.