Reasons to keep the drinking age at 21.

Drinking and Drivings Statistics: Why we should stay at 21.

Drinking and driving is something that may never be stoped but there are some percautions that can take place to help stop drinking and driving such as leaving the drinking age at 21. There are facts that show people under the age of 21 have caused many deaths on the roads due to alcohol related reasons. 25 percent of drivers, 15-20 years old, killed in motor accidents where drinking. People under the age of 21 have the second highest death rate for alcohol related crashes. If we were to lower the drinking age to anything lower that 21 the number of car fatalities from drinking and driving would do nothing but become higher due to the facts that kids dont understand the problem with drinking and driving and the statistics show that. Paragraph by Matt P.

MADD's website
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An Irresponsable Youth

Lowering the drinking age to 18 may have a negative impact on many students. After the drinking age rose to 21 it was estimated to save 1,000 more lives a year. When it was legal to drink at 18 there were 33% more crashes involving younger college men 18-20. There were also 141% more DWI arrests for men of the ages 18-20. Lowering the drinking age may cause a spike in these numbers with younger kids from ages 15-17. Having a friend able to drink legally, causes younger friends to want to be able to drink with them while also providing an easy source of alcohol for an even younger population. These are just some of the reasons why not to lower the drinking age. Paragraph by Nate B.

Q & A about teen drinking
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Health Affects

There is a wide range of health problems that can occur from drinking. Problems can range from developmental issues to health related diseases that wont be reconized until later in life. Childeren with mothers that drink can get Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. With more and more teen pregnancies FAS has began to rise and cause great concern. With kids having kids making alcohol legal wont help curb FAS. Also reports have shown the brain doesn't stop developing until a person is 20. Consumption of alcohol before 20 can alter a persons ablity to learn and lead to alcohol dependecy later in life. Studies say that 40% of kids under 13 will become alcohol dependant and people who start before 15 are 4x as likely to develope a dependence. Alcohol dependency can cause an array of problems later in life. It can lead to the destruction of the body and family. It is glaringly obvious that the drinking age should not be lowered under 21. Paragraph by Mike W.

For more FAS info.
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