Why the Drinking Age Should be Lowered

There are many reasons why I belieave that the drinking age should be lowered. In an article by Ruth C. Engs, a professor of Applied Health thinks that lowering the drinking age would be a smarter choice and gives good explainations of why it would be better for the United States. She states in her article that alcohol is the forbidden fruit, and a symbol of adult hood. Treating alcohol this way makes young adults under 21 want to drink more. Further more there is also the severe problem of "Binge Drinking", which is consuming over five drinks per week. American teenagers cannot casually drink, so in return they have to drink as much as possible in a short amount of time because they do not know when they will be able to drink again. A statistic says that in the year 2000 that almost seven million people from ages 12-20 were binge drinkers, that is one out of every five people. On the contrary, she uses European teens, who do not have have a drinking age, that younger drinking ages does work. She says that they can consume alcohol reguraly and in return they do not binge drink and there is not so much pressure to drink as there is in the United States. All these reasons that Professor Ruth stated of why the drinking age should be lowered are true in my mind. I think if it was lowered, under-age drinkers would get the idea of drinking would be out of their systems. It would also not be a very big deal anymore because they would be able to do it whenever they wanted. I also think that the United States would have to make a few modifications for it to work, but in the long run I think lowering it would be beneficial.




To Future Freshmen. . . .

There are many things I wish I would have Known before going to college. First, you can never be to prepared. All the small things that you don't notice you use at home, you will forget to bring. Remember that you can bring your whole room, so take the important things. Also do not spend all of your money in the first four months, I did that and I ran out of money by Christmas. Learn to prioritise, do your homework before you go out. I alot of people realized that by the first month of school. Make sure to tell your roommate your likes and dislikes, because if he or she does not know them they won't respect them. I still have trouble with my roommate with that Look for your classes before the first day, so you do not get lost. Also have fun, don't miss out on opportunites and friends that you could make.