Welcome to the University of Minnesota Duluth. Despite the stunning images shown to prospects on their visit, images of new buildings, advanced learning, warm travel when going class to class, and delicious home-style food, there are some disadvantages to spending your college years here in Duluth. Don't get us wrong, Duluth has much to offer, but we thought we would break it down for you a little- give you a more honest evaluation of this "great school on a great lake."


An essential part to enjoying the college you pick involves evaluating a school's dining options. In the case of UMD I would option out. While there are highlights such as the ice cream sundae bar, the extensive recurrence of various hot dishes and lack of whole grains detracts from the overall appeal of eating in Duluth 's Residence Hall Dining Center , more affectionately known as the DC. Looking at a list of pros and cons may help you to see if subjecting yourself to nine months of blawed taste buds and an unsatisfied stomach.


?  All you can eat- If you like to absolutely eat until you are sick, devouring everything in sight, the DC is perfect. Whether you eat one muffin or 60, you pay the same price.

?  Buffet Style- The DC's variety of sandwich, salads and soups are always excellent. A rotating lunch bar including tacos, BBQ favorites, baked potatoes and pasta are all excellent.

?  Beverage variety- Juices, skim, 2% and chocolate milk, soda slushies and water create a wonderful variety of ways to quench your thirst.


?  Lack of Variety- The DC only offers one meat option and one vegetarian option per night. If you aren't craving mushroom barley hot dish, well tough luck.

?  Lack of Whole Grains- All health organizations have begun to push the importance of whole grains in the diet. Despite this, UMD offers Raisin Bran as your only way of fulfilling your whole grain quota. The bread is all processed white and the wheat is actually died white bread.

?  High fat/Unhealthy- for the health conscience this definitely isn't the place to come. Daily you can expect some deep fried item whether it is chicken, french fries, steak or fish. There are also more doughnut selections than cereals, more sugared cereals than whole grain, non-sugared cereals.

?  One place to eat- The only place you can use your prepaid meal plan is in the DC. Your mouth may water over the juicy hamburgers and fresh pizza down in the food court, but why let UMD suck any more of your money by making you pay for your dinner in the food court in addition to the money you have already paid the DC.

?  Eating leisurely is out of the question- You might like to do a little homework, get a little reading done while eating your lunch, maybe review for a test next hour, but this is not possible in the DC. Backpacks of any kind are not allowed, so unless you want to carry all your books in one by one, studying and eating are out of the question. In addition, food can be brought out of the DC, so if you wanted to enjoy a rare pleasant Duluth picnic that would also be out of the question.

To view this week's menu at UMD click here: http://www.d.umn.edu/food/Dining/dc.htm

Tunnel System

At UMD there is a tunnel system that connects the entire campus minus the apartments and health services. If you live in the dorms then you do not have to get out side to get any of your classes, food, or any other services on campus. See a map of campus to see for yourself that you don't need to go out side on this interactive map of UMD.



In conclusion there are pros and cons to having a tunnel system but keep in mind it does get awfully cold in Duluth in the winter.

UMD Learning Communities

If you are a soon to be college freshman and are undecided about your major,
the University of Minnesota Duluth is a great place to spend your college
years.  UMD now has a program designed to help students just like you!  It's
called a learning community and is a group of about 30 students who take
common freshman classes together.  While some students may find disadvantages to the program, the advantages seem to outweigh them.  The program truly was set up with the students' best interst in mind.


•  undecided freshman in a learning community receive priority when
registering, this means you are automatically enrolled in certain classes
without having to worry about them being filled before you arrive at

•  the classes automatically figured in to your schedule will fulfill a number
of your requirements for the Liberal Education Program

•  the learning community is a good way to meet and get to know people

•  it's helpful to have the same people in several of your classes; students can
help keep each other on track and remind others about upcoming assignments

•  forming study groups is easy when you classes together, you need to study the
same material and have the same times available to do it

•  the freshman seminar class for the learning community has both a professor
and a T.A. meaning you get input from a licensed instructor and a fellow

•  learning communities often schedule in entertainment activities like bonfires
and bowling


To learn more: http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/saac/learning.php


Duluth is a city full of history and culture.  While spending time here you
can take advantage of being in a city with a lot of attractions.
Among the places you should check out are:

Glensheen mansion is one of the wonderful historical attractions in Duluth .  
It closely resembles the way it did nearly one hundred years ago when the
Congdon family first moved in.  It was on A&E's American Castles and tours
run through the estate daily.

The Great Lakes Aquarium
Learn about the great lakes and their inhabitants.  It's open year round and
exhibits change.  It's America 's first and only all fresh water aquarium.  
It's entertaining and educating.

Lake Superior Zoo
16 acres of naturalistic exhibits.  Hundreds of animals, a gift shop and a
café are all in the zoo.  Educational and entertaining.  Open year round.

Vista Fleet Cruises
Get a new perspective on Lake Superior on these fabulous sightseeing and
dining cruises.  Cruises run from May to October.

S.S. William A. Irvin
A floating museum of the iron ore history of Duluth .  Open May to October.  
In October it is transformed into a “Haunted Ship” and terrifying tours run
through it at night.

Always changing films shown year round.  The Omnimax® experience is like no
other.  The overhead domed screen transports you into the adventure.

Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center
Marine museum with films and exhibits.  In canal park.  Open year round.  
Free admission.

Tweed Museum of Art
Contemporary and historical exhibits.  Free but donations suggested

Karpeles Manuscript Museum
Free.  Open June through Labor Day.  One of the largest private holdings of
important documents and transcripts.  Rotating exhibits.  Educational and

Munger Trail
The Munger hiking/biking trail begins in Duluth by the zoo and goes all the
way through Hinkley.  All total 74 miles of paved trail.

This is only a small list of things to do.  There is much more to see and do
here in Duluth .  To find out more visit www.visitduluth.com


Like any city Duluth can be a scary place. You should not plan on going too many places by yourself and never by yourself after dark.

Also the city has a bus service, the DTA, while it is free to students of UMD, it takes a long time to navigate anywhere. If you do not like doing things by other peoples' schedules this can be quite aggravating.

Duluth has gets a lot of snow and freezing temperatures during the winter months because of Lake Superior . While some streets are heated the others can become dangerous to navigate during bad weather.