Things we'd change about UMD...

Midnight Snack

If I could change one thing about UMD, it would be adding an additional meal to the D.C. Dinner at the D.C. only goes until 7 p.m. If you eat dinner earlier in the evening, it is guarenteed you will be hungry around 10 or 11. Midnight snack would be a good solution to this problem. There would be a variety of snacks to munch on, for example, popcorn, ice cream, doritos, nachos, etc. It would be an easy meal to provide. It would also offer jobs to those who do not mind staying up late. I think midnight snack should be added to the D.C.'s meal plan, a lot of people would go.

Here's what the Dining Center does have to offer...

Consequences of Drinking in the Dorms

Another thing about UMD that could be improved is the alcohol policy. UMD is a dry campus, but many people do not abide by this rule. I do not think Duluth should change to a wet campus but some of the consequences for drinking in the dorms are unfair. If your roommate chooses to drink, even if you are not there, you can have serious repercussions taken against you. This is not only unfair but it can make living with your roommate even more difficult than it already is. UMD should seriously consider revising their alcohol policy so only the persons directly involved in the breaking of the rules receive disciplinary action.

Alcohol Policy at UMD

Roommate Selection

When you chose to live in the dorms at UMD you have two choices, room with a friend you already know or get paired with a person you have never met. Most people chose to room with someone they have never met hoping that this will allow them to make a new friend and expand their horizons. The problem with random roommate selection is often being paired with someone you are not compatible with can occur. I feel that a simple survey to be filled out by the occupants prior to being assigned a roomate would allow for a better match. Currently students sleeping habits, studying habits, lifestyle choices, and values are not considered when pairing up roommates. I feel that if roommates were placed based on common values and routines there would be less problems adjusting to life at college.

UMD Life Website


Our advice to incoming freshmen would consist of:

Website created by Melina Jerve, Hillary McGown, & Kaitlin Peck