What to expect for first year students.

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Well, I can honestly say that college was not that much different than what I expected.  To begin, I would have to say that living on my own has taught me very much about myself.  There are many things I didn't know that I did or the way I felt on certain subjects that I have now been exposed to.

I would have to say the biggest surprise to me was how much homework I actually had to do.  I was expecting to do homework every night and barely have to time to even eat.  What I've found though is that unlike high school, there is very little homework.  You are expected to read and be prepared for discussions but aside from that, there is very little assigned work.  There are major tests and papers to write, but these are infrequent.  Although when there is one, it usually requires a lot of hard work and studying.

I would also be prepared to feed yourself.  If you live in the apartments, get at least a lunch plan.  It is around $400.00 for the year, but it is well worth it.  You will discover early on just how expensive it is to eat.  If you have to buy all of your food, not only is it a pain to cook yourself something, but it is also difficult to get to the grocery store and unpack without a car.

In conclusion, expect  to be surprised when it comes to homework but do not slack.  Go to class and eat enough food.  Make sure you keep your priorities straight when it comes to school and partying.  Have fun, be safe, and remember to go to class.