We Love Duluth, and We Think You Should Too.

This cite was created by the mad scientists; Aaron Saari, Henry Pollan, Mike Zaspel, and Brian Henderson

Duluth Minnesota is the finest city in the northern United States. Located on the western edge of lake superior, Duluth is a crossroads between western rail roads and the shipping lanes of the great lakes. Duluth has been a center of commerce as long as people have inhabited this area. Originally inhabited be the Sioux and then the Ojibwa Indian tribes, it was first visited by French voyageur Daniel Greysolon, sieur DuLhut in the 17 th century. In the year 1692 the Hudson's Bay company established the Fond du Lac fur trading post on the banks of the St. Louis River. By the year 1870 Duluth had a population of 3,131 citizens and was incorporated as a city. By 1787 Duluth had become unincorporated and reincorporated as a city. In 1871 shipping lanes were cut into the canal, turning Duluth into the largest inland port in north America . In the following years Duluth grew rapidly. Development of natural resources in the iron Range also fueled Duluth's economic boom. In 1959, after the completion of the St. Lawrence seaway Duluth became an international harbor. At this time, more than 1,000 Oceangoing and Great Lakes freight ships visit the port of Duluth annually. Duluth is a nice and interesting place to live in.

More about Duluth's history can be found at: http://www.thehistorypeople.org/

The College of UMD is a wonderful college and offers many classes and opportunities for students. It's a fairly small college, as compared to the U of M Twin Cities, so it's pretty easy to find your classes and get to them. What's great about how it is built is that, unless you live in one of the apartment complexes, you will never have to go outside. Lake Superior Hall, Griggs, Vermillion, and Burntside dorms are all connected to the college through underground tunnels. In fact, all of the wings of the college are even connected to each other. UMD even has its own stores in the college, so if you ever need supplies or food you can find it in here. Therefore, on really cold and harsh winter days, which Duluth often has, you won't have to be going outside in between class periods, or when you need to go get supplies. You can stay in the nice controlled climate of UMD and even wear shorts and a t-shirt on days when there's a blizzard outside. UMD also has five separate colleges to accommodate a plethora of majors. There is the Labovitz School of Business and Economics, the College of Education and Human Service Professions, the School of Fine Arts, the College of Liberal Arts, and the College of Science and Engineering. On top of this, UMD has great facilities for students. The newest addition to UMD is our coffee shop. Student's can come in to the coffee shop, order coffee, espresso, lattes, and a whole bunch of other treats, and then sit down and talk to others, watch T.V., or work on their homework. It's really a great place to meet people, and to just relax. UMD also has the Tweed Museum of
Art. The Tweed Museum of Art functions as a unique cultural catalyst in the upper Midwest by collecting and interpreting art from around the world and developing exhibitions and programs for education in the arts. As far as food goes, UMD has a residential dining center that is also connected to the dorms, and we have a food court that sells pizza and burgers and other fast foods. So really, UMD is a great college with a very comfortable and interesting environment. If you would like to find out basically anything about UMD's departments, programs or facilities you can go to this website

A great place to have fun in Duluth is Spirit Mountain. It is located on the western edge of downtown Duluth. Spirit Mountain offers many different terrains for both skiers and snowboarders. Spirit Mountain has many competitions and a calender full of events for you to come and have fun over the winter season.

Spirit Mountain also has things you can do over the summer. Spirit Mountain offers 73 wooded and secluded campsites. These campsites have firepits, picnic tables, and electricity. There are water hookups to only 39 of the campsites. There are two shower buildings that you can use 24 hours a day.

There are a lot of challenging mountain biking trails on Spirit Mountain. Spirit Mountain is working on grooming and marking the trails. They eventually want to have trail maps that you can get online or at the chalet. There is no fee for the biking trails so all riders take all responsibility and liability for using Spirit Mountians property.

Spirit Mountain is a great place to go have fun no matter what time of year. And being able to look over Lake Superior while you are having all this fun will make it an even better experience. If you have any more questions about Spirit Mountain you can go to the website at http://www.spiritmt.com/


Duluth offers an array of recreational opportunities, both school related and independent. University of Minnesota Duluth itself has six men's traveling teams and eight women's traveling teams to choose from for both participatory and viewing purposes. Aside from the nationally recognized sport teams are fourteen various intramural sports that are offered to be played by residents of the campus. With the location of the UMD campus being where is it, it creates many outdoor hobbies to pursue other than collegiate sports events such as: sailing, kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, backpacking, camping, canoeing, rock climbing, and snowmobiling. Duluth attractions also create great opportunities for both students, visitors, and residence making it one of the most visited Minnesotan cities. Duluth's attractions consisting of various things such as maybe the Black Bear Casino and Golf Course for the overnight guest, the Great Lakes Aquarium www.glaquarium.org or the Pikwik for the fish lovers, and Glensheen Mansion www.d.umn.edu/glen/ for the history buffs. It is possible to see a movie either in the Duluth OmniMax Theatre or from one of the many movie theatres in town. The Lake Superior Zoo offers animal viewing year round. The Renegade Comedy Theatre offers live comedy for everyone and live concerts can be constantly found in Pizza Luce's, Weber Music Hall, and many other clubs and such. Along with music, food and spirits can be found from one of the fifty existing bars and restaurants in the Duluth area.