Opinion Piece

Due: December 6, 2004

7 pages minimum
MLA format
references to 7 published sources (a maximum of 3 may be online sources)
a clear thesis statement
a well-organized, persuasive argument
minimal mechanical errors

Write an opinion piece on an issue of your choice that pertains to the university. Consider the issue in terms of an existing problem and a possible solution to that problem.

It will be necessary to research some of the articles addressing this problem. While these articles will be helpful to you, the focus of the paper should be on your own argument for change. You should cite everything you use according to MLA format, which is what you are learning in Composition 1120. Your seven sources should include works that express divergent viewpoints on the issue you have chosen, so be sure to identify the key points of conflict surrounding that issue early on in the process.

The following are a few general areas for research and possible topics that you may cover in this paper. You may also come up with a topic of your own. I recommend that you discuss such a topic with me.

  • Local Issues: Identify one specific thing that we should change about the University of Minnesota Duluth. Should there be a new major or area of study? How can UMD improve the Learning Community Program for first-year students?

  • State/Regional Issues: Identify one specific thing that we should change about the University of Minnesota system. Should Minnesota close a campus or open a new one? What should the role of State Government funding and oversight be in the university system?

  • National Issues: What should be the role of the university in the lives of most Americans? What is the best way for American communities to fund universities? What role should the universities play in research activities? What are the best models for running a university well?

I will be glad to offer assistance in this project along the way, but I will not be able to allocate much time in class to it unless a large number of students choose this option.