We are very sorry to announce that we are unable to offer Digital Art Camp at UMD for summer 2008... : (
The past two summers of experimental art and music have been wonderful. Unfortunately, the repurposing of our computer lab and summer school funding made it very difficult for us to offer the same camp this summer. We hope to revisit our options for bringing Digital Art Camp back next year.
We really appreciate your support of creative programing and community outreach in the School of Fine Arts at UMD. Please visit the Fine Arts Academy website for more info about this summers offerings.
What activities are planned for Digital Art Camp?
Daily art activities will include traditional media like painting and drawing, and computer art using software like Adobe Photoshop for collage and simple animation. We will also experiment with digital video using imovie and digital music composition using garageband software!
Are the weeks really different? Can I sign up for more than one week of camp?
Each week has a different theme, making it possible for a student to sign up for any number of weeks. Each week will include creative experimentation and fun combinations of art activities on and off the computer. Week 1 will start out with photoshop, using it for collage and simple animation. Week 2 will focus more on digital video, using imovie to tell stories. Week 3 will focus more on digital music composition using garageband software... and Week 4 will combine sound and images in new experimental ways.
Where is the camp?
The camp is located on the campus of the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) in Voss Kovach Hall Room 131. (Free Parking nearby.) This Macintosh computer lab also has tables for drawing and group projects.
See campus map>>
How can I register for the camp?
Please contact Kathy Neff at UMD Fine Arts Academy: 726-7090
Registration forms are downloadable at:
What if I don't have much experience with computers or software?
Beginners are welcome! That's what camp is for!
Who will be teaching me?
Camp Teachers include:
UMD Art Education Majors
Joellyn Rock, UMD Assistant Professor of Art + Design is the Camp Coordinator
Rob Wittig, UMD faculty member from Art + Design is our sound + music teacher.
Joellyn's homepage>>
What should I bring to camp?
Please bring a water bottle and a simple snack for our morning break. Dress in layers so that we can spend time inside and outside the computer lab.
ALSO RECOMMENDED: a set of computer headphones (if you have one) for use when editing sound and music!