Delinquency and Juvenile Justice
Soc 3328
Summer Semester 2005
Instructor: Jeff Maahs
Class Time and Room: 9:30am-12:10pm in Cina 202
Office Hours: After class or by Appointment
Office: 212a Cina
Mailbox: 228 Cina

Phone: 726-7395




Course Description

Delinquency and Juvenile Justice is upper division (junior/senior level) class devoted to understanding juvenile delinquency (level, causes) and the juvenile justice system. Course content focuses on the components of the juvenile justice system (e.g., police, adjudication, corrections). However, the course will also be taught from an "issue-based" approach. That is, we will examine various conflicts and debates within juvenile justice (e.g., Should juveniles be waived to adult court? Does rehabilitation "work?").
Specific course objectives for students include:
Required Course Texts

Cox, Conrad, and Allen (2003). Juvenile Justice: A Guide to Theory and Practice. Boston: McGraw Hill.

(1) Butts and Mitchell (2000). "Brick by Brick: Dismantling the Border Between Juvenile and Adult Justice." Criminal Justice 2000. Washington D.C: National Institute of Justice (Available Online)

(2) Bazemore and Umbreit (1995). "Rethinking the Sanctioning Function in Juvenile Court: Retributive or Restorative Responses to Youth Crime." Crime and Delinquency, 41(3): 296-316 (Available Online)

(3) Henggeler, S. et al. (1996). "Multisystemic therapy: an effective violence prevention approach for serious juvenile offenders." Journal of Adolescence, 19: 47-61 (Handout)

(4) Mihalic et al. (2001). "Blueprints for Violence Prevention." Juvenile Justice Bulletin (Washington D.C: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention). (Available Online)

(5) Lipsey, Wilson, and Cothern (2000). "Effective Intervention for Serious Juvenile Offenders," (Washington D.C: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention). (Available Online)

Special arrangements/Facilities

Individuals who have any disability, either permanent or temporary, which might affect their ability to perform in this class are encouraged to inform the instructor at the start of the semester. Adaptation of methods, materials or testing may be made as required to provide for equitable participation. It is your responsibility to contact the Access Center for advice regarding adaptations.

Academic Dishonesty(Cheating)

Cheating on exams or assignments will be dealt with in accordance with University policies. Anyone caught cheating on an exam will receive a zero for that exam. Plagiarism refers to presenting another's words or ideas as if they were your own. It is cheating and thus an academic offense. The penalty for plagiarism is failure for that particular assignment. I encourage you to work together, but you must turn in your own work. If you use ideas or words from the texts or outside readings, you must cite the work.


One of my longstanding policies is that I do not take attendance and there is no formal penalty for missing class (no points are deducted based solely on attendance). However, past experience with teaching summer classes suggests that a student's attendance is strongly related to his or her performance and final grade. Therefore, for this class, attendance and participation will count for 10% of your grade.

Missed Exams:

All students are expected to take the exams on the scheduled date. If you have a legitimate excuse, you must notify me before the exam. Anyone missing an exam without prior notification will receive a zero for that exam.

Course Requirements

Exams: There will be a cumulative final exam. The exam will consist of 2-3 essay questions.

Group/Individual Assignments: Throughout the semester, you will be required to complete in-class group assignments or out of class individual assignments.

Grading Scale: (Instructor reserves right to curve final grades upward)

Final Exam
73-76% C
70-72% C-
67-69% D+
60-66% D
0-59% F


Web Resources

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention:
Bureau of Justice Statistics:
Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse:
National Council on Crime and Delinquency:
National Institute of Justice:http: //
National Criminal Justice Reference Center (Section on JJ):
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics:


Course Schedule (The schedule is tentative, and subject to change based on the pace of the class, or the needs of the guest speakers).

Date Topic(s) Readings/Assignments
July 5 (Tuesday) Discuss class/syllabus, and assignment expectations None
July 6 History of Juvenile Justice Cox et al., Chapter 1
Butts and Mitchell, pp. 167-177
Assignment #1 Due
July 7

Measuring Delinquency/Correlates of Delinquency

Cox et al., Chapter 2 & 3
July 11 (Monday) Theories of Delinquency--The "big 3" Cox et al., Chapter 4
July 12 Theories of Delinquency--Biology, psychology, deterrence, and other theories Review Cox et al., Chapter 4
July 13 Juvenile Court Acts & Procedures Cox et al., Chapters 5&6
Assignment #2 Due
July 14 Juveniles and the Police
Guest Speaker (Police)
Cox et al., Chapter 7
Assignment #3 Due
July 18 (Monday) Juvenile Court
Guest Speaker (Juvenile Judge)
Cox et al., Chapter 8
Assignment #4 Due
July 19 Child Abuse and Neglect, Prevention and Diversion
Guest Speaker (Child Protective Services)
Cox et al., Chapter 9 & 11
July 20

Delinquency Prevention:
Scared Straight! and other wacky programs
Video presentation

Handout (OJJDP: Blueprints for violence prevention)
Assignment #5 Due
July 21 Juvenile Corrections
Restorative Justice
Guest Speaker (Juvenile Probation/Restorative)
Cox et al., Chapter 10
Bazemore and Umbreit article
Assignment #6 Due
July 25 (Monday) Juvenile Corrections II
Guest Speaker AJC
July 26 Rehabilitation for Juveniles Henggeler et al. (MST) article
OJJDP "Effective Intervention..." article
Assignment #7 Due
July 27 Wrap Up/Review for Final Exam
July 28 Final Exam
Study for Final Exam