Correctional Continuum Assignment Guidelines
1. Answer the questions--negatively, this means you should not go off on a "rant" or get off the point. However, you should answer the questions completely. Using an example to illustrate your point is often a good idea. For most assignments, you should be able to LIMIT your answers to two double-spaced pages (write concisely). I will stop reading after three pages.
2. Assignments must be typed, and should be spell-checked.
3. Write in complete sentences. Do not use sentence fragments. A complete sentence has a noun and a verb.
4. You must CITE anything that you take from other's work. Failure to do so is plagiarism, which is a form of cheating. The penalty for plagiarism will range from the deduction of points on the assignment to failing that assignment, depending upon the severity of the incident. For the reader (Latessa and Holsinger), please cite the author of the particular chapter rather than Latessa and Holsinger.
5. Authors of formal (academic or professional) papers avoid using personal
pronouns (I, we). Although it is difficult to write in this manner, I encourage
you to make an effort to avoid using "I" or "we" in your