Some possible UROP or Master’s projects
1 Smooth Numbers.
Many factoring algorithms require one to find numbers in some range with
only small prime divisors. This has lead to the study of such numbers.
A number with all prime divisors less than x is called x-smooth. For example,
the 10 smooth numbers up to 100 are:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27,
28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 40, 42, 45, 48, 49, 50, 54, 56, 60, 63, 64, 70, 72, 75,
80, 81, 84, 90, 96, 98, 100.
There are 46 such numbers. This sounds like a lot: almost half of these
numbers is 10 smooth. But now they start getting rarer: there are 140
10 smooth numbers up to 1000 fraction: .14 , there are 332 up to 10,000
fraction: .0322 , and 587 up to 100,000 fraction .00587 .
It is known that this fraction is, in general, very regular: if f(n,
x) is the fraction of n smooth integers up to n
x , then f(n, x) approximately satisfies the
differential delay equation
f(n, x) = 1,
if x <= 1,
f '(n, x) = -
f(n, x-1)/x, if x > 1,
and the approximation gets better as n gets bigger.
Recently, I have gotten interested in numbers that are “smooth” with
respect to some set of primes. For example, suppose we have the set of
primes 2, 5, 7 , and we want all numbers less than 100 which have only
these primes as divisors. The list is:
1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 25, 28, 32, 35, 40, 49, 50, 56, 64,
70, 80, 98, 100.
Now there are only 23 such numbers, and there are only 56 of these numbers
up to 1000.
This project would be to investigate properties of numbers which are
smooth with respect to a set of primes, or with respect to multiple sets
of primes. In particular, it appears that there are functions like f
that tell approximately how many such numbers there should be.
2) Carmichael numbers.
It is known that there are infinitely many Carmichael numbers. In fact,
if C(x) is the number of Carmichael numbers < x, then it has been proven
that C(x) > x2/7
, for all x sufficiently large. It is conjectured that for each e >
0, there is an N for which C(x) > x1-
e for all x > N. In particular, there should
be an N for which C(N) > sqrt(N). The goal of this project would be
to find such an N. (One of the reasons: Many mathematicians are, or were,
skeptical of this claim.)
Erdos’s approach: Let M be a highly composite number. For example,
we might use M = lcm(1, 2, , n) for some integer n. Let P be the
set of primes P = {p : p does not divide M but p - 1 does divide M}.
Carmichael number. If such products are uniformly distributed among the
reduced residue classes of M (as would be expected , then we should
Modifications on this approach support the conjecture that C(x) >
x 1-e.
3) Find a number which is both a base 2 pseudoprime and a
Fibonacci pseudoprime.
This is a problem of Pomerance, Selfridge and Wagstaff, and carries a
cash reward of $620 to the first one discovered!
If p is a prime, then ap
= a mod p for every integer a. If n is not prime, but 2
n = 2 mod n, then n is called a base 2 pseudoprime.
If Fn refers to
the n’th Fibonacci number, so F0
= 0, F1 = 1, F
n = Fn-1
+ Fn-2, then it
is a theorem that if p is a prime, and p = 2 or 3 mod 5, then F
p = -1 mod p. If n is not prime, n = 2 or
3 mod 5, and Fn = -1
mod n, then n is called a Fibonacci pseudoprime.
Thus, the goal of this project would be to find a nonprime number n such
that n = 2 or 3 mod 5, 2n
= 2 mod n, and Fn
= -1 mod n. There are techniques for attempting this, which are modifications
of the techniques that work in (2). I already had a student work on
this, but there is still lots of stuff to be done. Here is one possible
offshoot: we have a very large set of primes P, and a large number M. What
we need is to show that for each reduced residue class of M, there is a subset
of P with product congruent to that residue class modulo M. For a small
example, if M = 25 and P = {2, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17} , then the reduced residue
classes of M are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19,
21, 22, 23, 24. Products of the elements in subsets of P mod 25 are: 2,
3, 7, 11, 13, 17, for one element subsets, 6, 14, 22, 1, 9, 21, 8, 16, 19,
18, 12 for two element subsets, 4, 24, 23 for three element subsets and
we don’t need larger subsets. Here, we could do the calculations. What
can be said when M and P are too big to actually calculate all products?
4) Stuff related to pi.:
a) Setting up the Bailey, Borwein and Plouffe formula to
calculate n’th hex digit without having calculated
previous digits.
The formula:
b) Finding similar formulas for pi and other constants.
that have nice simplifications. Of course, this trick works for numbers
other than 8.
5) Computations related to the average number of prime divisors
and largest prime divisor of a number.
An easy argument based on the above says that the largest prime divisor
of a random number n should be about n1-1/e
. How good is this estimate? A possible project is to investigate these
and other similar questions by doing actual computations of w(n) and for
large ranges of n. This can probably all be done in single precision arithmetic.
6) Elliptic curve factoring algorithm.
This algorithm is a variation on Pollard’s p-1 method. In the p-1 method,
one takes a large number M with lots of factors (a common choice is M =
lcm(1, 2, 3, ... , k) for some suitable k) and calculates gcd (2
M-1, n). By Fermat’s little theorem, this
greatest common divisor will be divisible by a prime divisor p of n if
p - 1 is a divisor of M.
In the elliptic curve algorithm, we use a similar idea, except that we
use the group of an elliptic curve mod p to do our calculations, rather
than the group U(p). That is, by Lagrange’s theorem, if G is a group of
order m, then for any element a of the group, a
m = 1. For the p - 1 method, the group is
U(p), which has order p - 1. For every elliptic curve C, and almost every
prime p, there is a group E(C, p). Elliptic groups have a nice spread of
orders. If a number n has a factor p, and if the order of E(C, p) is a divisor
of M, then p can be discovered by attempting to calculate a
M in the pseudo group E(C, n), where a is an
element of E(C, n).
7) Variations on the Quadratic Sieve.
The quadratic sieve factoring algorithm is an algorithm for factoring
a large number N. It involves the following steps:
(1) Select a “Base” of primes to use later on. For each of these primes,
p must have the property that N = a2
mod p for some a. That is, N must be a square mod p.
f(x) = x2 - n and
use a sieve method to locate those f(x) that factor completely over the
Base found in step 1. Such a factorization of an f(x) is called a relation.
M must be large enough that the number of relations is greater than the
size of the Base.
(3) Using basic linear algebra, find several sequences of x such
unlucky and this gcd is 1 or N, use a different sequence found in step
3. Thus, if we found 10 such sequences in step 3, this would give us 10 chances
to factor N.
a) Large prime variation
In this variation of the algorithm described above, in step 2, keep
track of those x for which f(x) factors completely over the base OR f(x)
factors completely except that one “large” prime factor of f(x) is outside
the base. If we found x1
and x2 for which
f(x 1) and f(x
2 ) each had the same large prime, then x
1 x2
has that prime squared, and can be added to the list relations. This can
cut the size of M needed in step 2. More sophisticated versions of the
algorithm allow for two large primes rather than one.
b) Multiple polynomial method
B2 = N (mod A).
In this case, the base found in step 1 will still work, and with many choices
of A and B to chose from, we can usually get by with a much smaller M.
c) Number field sieve
8) Symmetric chains in partially ordered sets.
Symmetric chain decompositions of B3
and B4 are
A chain is symmetric if it starts and ends the same distance from the
middle of the poset. So, for example, the chain 0100 0110 0111 starts
one level below the middle and ends one lever above the middle. A symmetric
chain decomposition is a partitioning of the poset so that every element is
on some symmetric chain. For B4
above, the elements 0101 and 0011 are each parts of chains with 1 element.
We obviously need this if the middle level is larger than any other level.
The problem: write and implement an algorithm that searches a partially
ordered set for symmetric chains. The sets I have in mind: I
n the inversion posets: consists of all
permutations of {1, 2, 3, ... , n}. One permutation is just larger than
another if it can be obtained from the other by interchanging two adjacent
elements, with the left originally smaller than the right. One permutation
is larger than another if a sequence of such interchanges can take one to
the other.
It is known that I1
, I2, I
3, I4
, I5, and I
6 have symmetric chain decompositions. It
is not known if any higher ones do. A student of mine working on a 286
machine in the 1980’s was the first to do the cases of I
5 and I
9) Calculations related to Goldbach’s 2 and 3-primes conjectures
Goldbach’s 2 and 3-prime conjectures: Every even number
> 2 is the sum of two primes, every odd number > 5 is the sum of three
primes. This project would involve verifying the 3-primes conjecture up
to some bound B. Current best is, I believe, 10
20. Also, I think the three primes conjecture
has been proved unconditionally for numbers > 10
46?) then by constructing a chain of primes p
1, p2
, ... , pm, with
p1 < C, p
m > B, and pi
- pi-1 < C, we
verify that the 3-primes conjecture is true up to B.
The way I did this for B = 1020
: I looked for primes of the form
n(k, j) = 234(2
12k + j) + 1. That is, for each k, I found
a j for which n(k, j) is prime. The form of the number n(k, j) facilitated
in the proof that it was prime: all that was needed was to find a number
a for which a(n-1)/2
= -1 (mod n).
10) Prime proving algorithms.
The project would be to implement one or more of the newer prime proving
algorithms on a workstation.