All MIPS instructions are 32 bits, or 4 bytes, long. The fixed length is almost universal in RISC processors.

When MIPS instructions are classified according to coding format, they fall into four categories: R-type, I-type, J-type, and coprocessor. These formats are closely related to the execution activities in the processor circuitry.

The coprocessor coding format is not described here. Although the use of a coprocessor is advantageous for an embedded processor, desktop and server processors have not used them for about 20 years.

Many MAL instructions get expanded into 2 or 3 MIPS instructions. These expansions are often used to deal with immediate operands and idiosyncrasies of the MIPS instruction set. Some of these expansions use $at as a temporary register.

MIPS assemblers normally make the following expansions. For some instructions more than one expansion may be applied. There are other expansions that are not described here.