We should replace the phrase "put div" with the phrase "side pane". This is more meaningful to web presentation developers. Along with this change, we should introduce the phrase "menu target pane", or just "target pane", to indicate the pane that gets new content when presentation readers navigate through a presentation. When describing this phrase in the presentation developer documentation, be sure to stress that its meaning is relative to the menu. Different menus in the menu cascade have different target panes. The documentation should indicate what side panes are for: content that stays in place for all menu items in a menu. The kind of content in a side pane is often a diagram or code file that requires several target panes to describe fully.
We need clearer terminology for LS_Repository clients. There are three types depending on the use of the fetched element (a HTMLElement instance):
There are two kinds of callbacks: installation callbacks and pane callbacks (or processing search callbacks).
Pane callbacks (currently called load callbacks) are currently invoked for all target pane elements, even if the loaded element is an error element. This will be fixed in the near future to bypass search callbacks for error elements. An error element should not contain any layout panes, menus, progressions, or inserts.