The HTML handler lets you put external HTML documents into your presentation with a tag having one of the following forms:

<a class="html other_style_classes" href="page_url"/>
<object class="html other_style_classes" href="page_url"/>

The tag is replaced by an <object> tag that displays the web page in a box. The other_style_classes are applied to the <object> tag. They can be used to determine the dimensions and appearance of the enclosing box.

The pages displayed by the HTML handler are fully functional web pages. You can follow their links and click on their interactive widgets. You can even display another jsLib presentation. Unlike other handlers, the HTML handler can access pages from different servers.

Using extra style classes is one form of styling for the object tag. An alternative is to do styling with the style attribute. Either way, it is useful to set the width at 100%. It would be nice if you could do the same with the height, but CSS is not always nice.

The two examples in the menu show the different styling methods. The text for the <a> tag is shown above the result that you get in a jsLib presentation.

These examples show how to apply styling to the <object> tag that replaces the HTML <a> tag. One form of styling uses extra style classes in the <a> tag. An alternative is to do styling with the <a> tag style attribute. Either way, it is useful to set the width at 100%. It would be nice if you could do the same with the height, but CSS is not always nice.

<a class="html sized" href=""/>

<a class="sh_css" href="test.css"/>

<a class="html" style="width: 100%; height: 35em; background: white;" href="/~gshute/os/virtualization.html"/>

The only kind of error for the HTML handler is an HTML error where the page indicated by the <a> tag href attribute is not found or is not accessible. Unfortunately, there is no information available from the browser that indicates the reason for inaccessibility.

<a class="html" href="no-such-page.html"/>