The HLJS Handler

The HLJS handler is based on HLJS (highlight.js). It lets you incorporate a syntax-highlighted external file into a presentation with a tag having one of the following forms:

<a class="hl_lang" href="file_url"/>
<object class="hl_lang" href="file_url"/>

The tag is replaced by a <pre> tag. It can be styled like tags with a html handler, but styling is usually not necessary.

HLJS supports many languages. All of the languages are listed in the "Languages" menu item.

The integration of HLJS into jsLib detects some common errors. Since it involves JavaScript other than jsLib, its use requires an additional JavaScript file in the <head> tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/~gshute/jsLib/highlight/highlight.pack.js"/>

HLJS allows you to select among many different highlighting themes by using different style sheets in your presentation. All of the themes are listed in the "Themes" menu item. These themes can be selected by including a tag with the following form in the document's <head> tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"

The HLJS web site has a demonstration page that can display a variety of languages in all of the available themes.

The "Complete Example" menu item shows actual XHTML code with examples of the style theme link, the HLJS script reference and the <a> tag .

Like the include handler, the HLJS handler only accepts content from the same server.

<a class="html" style="width: 100%; height: 90%; background: white;" href=""/>

HLJS Languages

This is just an abbreviated list of the languages supported by highlight and it omits aliases. For a complete list with aliases see the highlight.js CSS classes reference.

Language <a> Tag Class
Bash hl_bash
C hl_c
C++ hl_cpp
C# hl_csharp
Clojure hl_clojure
CMake hl_cmake
CSS hl_css
Delphi hl_delphi
Diff hl_diff
Erlang hl_erlang
DOS hl_dos
Groovy hl_groovy
Haml hl_haml
Haskell hl_haskell
HTML, XML hl_html
Java hl_java
JavaScript hl_javascript
JSON hl_json
Language <a> Tag Class
Lisp hl_lisp
Makefile hl_makefile
Mathematica hl_mathematica
Matlab hl_matlab
Ocaml hl_ocaml
Objective C hl_objectivec
Perl hl_perl
PHP hl_php
Python hl_python
Ruby hl_ruby
Scala hl_scala
SCSS hl_scss
Smalltalk hl_smalltalk
SQL hl_sql
TeX hl_tex
VB.Net hl_vbnet
VBScript hl_vbscript
arta ascetic atelier-dune.dark atelier-dune.light
atelier-forest.dark atelier-forest.light atelier-heath.dark atelier-heath.light
atelier-lakeside.dark atelier-lakeside.light atelier-seaside.dark atelier-seaside.light
brown_paper codepen-embed color-brewer dark
default docco far foundation
github googlecode hybrid idea
ir_black kimbie.dark kimbie.light magula
mono-blue monokai monokai_sublime obsidian
paraiso.dark paraiso.light pojoaque railscasts
rainbow school_book solarized_dark solarized_light
sunburst tomorrow tomorrow-night-blue tomorrow-night-bright
tomorrow-night tomorrow-night-eighties vs xcode

<a class="html" style="width: 100%; height: 90%; background: white;" href="hljs-complete-example.html"/>

A few examples here gives you an idea what the HLJS highlighting looks like. The text for the <a> tag is shown above the result that you get in a jsLib presentation.

The HLJS examples shown here are all displayed with a default theme style sheet. This theme can be selected by including the following tag in the document's <head> tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/~gshute/jsLib/highlight/styles/default.css"/>

<a class="hl_java" href=""/>

<a class="hl_scala" href="NamedDefault.scala"/>

<a class="hl_html" href="/~gshute/common/home.html"/>

<a class="hl_javascript" href="diagram.js"/>

<a class="hl_css" href="/~gshute/common/table.css"/>

<a class="hl_cpp" href="helloWorld.cpp"/>

<a class="hl_xml" href="/~gshute/jsLib/annotated-template.html"/>

The HLJS handler detects three kinds of errors:

<a class="hl_xml" href="no-such-page.html"/>

<a class="hl_xml" href=""/>

<a class="hl_javascrip" href="diagram.js"/>