Due Tue Oct 20, 10 points
In this programming assignment you will write an enum class FileComparator that contains singleton implentations of the comparators that you wrote for the previous assignment. You will also need to write a test program similar to the one for the previous assignment.
The FileComparators enum should implement the Comparator interface. It should also implement toString() methods with names suitable for use as menu labels. If you are not familiar with Java enums Wenesday's lecture will explain what you need to know.
You will need the FileLister class from the previous assignment. It should not require any modifications. The tester class can be initially just a copy of your tester class from the previous assignment, modified to get its comparators from the FileComparators enum. The tester class code should be modified so that it uses the enum values() method to build the menu of available comparators.
When everything described above is working, add some new enum values to the FileComparators enum. The new values should do comparisons in the following way.