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Concepts for the Final Exam
Chapter 5
Chapter 5: The Link Layer and Local Area Networks
- Layer functionality
- primary functionality: move data across a single link
- possible problems
- noise
- contention for link
- node data handling limits
- possible services
- framing
- error handling
- controlling link access
- flow control
- Link types
- point-to-point
- broadcast
- distinction between logical and physical type
- Error detection/correction
- general strategy
- error detection code schemes
- parity bit
- two dimensional parity
- cyclic redundancy codes
- Multiple access protocols
- channel partitioning (TDM, FDM)
- random access
- use of carrier sense and collision detection
- Aloha
- taking turns
- Ethernet
- Link layer addressing
- MAC addresses
- Address resolution protocol
- Ethernet and local area networks
- physical and logical topology of an ethernet segment
- LAN organization
- hubs (physical layer)
- switches (link layer)
- routers (network layer)
- drawbacks of hubs
- Point-to-point protocol (telephone modems)
- Link virtualization
- ATM and telecommunications
- ATM links in the internet
Chapter 8: Security in Computer Networks
- Authorization
- passwords
- encrypted passwords
- nonces
- Encryption
- symmetric key
- same key used for both encryption and decryption
- fast algorithms, good for secret connections
- one-time keys can be obtained from a key distribution
DES, AES, for example
- public key
- different keys used for encryption and decryption
- public key is known to all, private key is only known
to the owner
- slower algorithms
- for secret communication, sender encrypts with the
receivers public key
for digital signatures, signer uses their ow private
- typically, message digests are signed rather than the
entire message
- RSA, for example
- Message digest algorithms
- Firewalls
- packet filtering
- application gateways
- Attacks and countermeasures
- mapping
- packet sniffing, switches
- spoofing, engress filtering
- denial of service
- distributed denial of service
- hijacking
Chapter 9: Network Management (9.1, 9.2)
- What is it?
- monitoring
- analysis
- control
- ISO areas of network management
- performance management
- fault management
- configuration management
- accounting management
- security management
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