[an error occurred while processing this directive]
The only other changes in the class are the declaration of the array
and the Comparator comp
These lines from Test1.java should be replaced by the following in
String A[] = { new String("This"), new String("is"), new String("a"), new String("test"), new String("of"), new String("the"), new String("VectorSorter"), new String("class"), new String("on"), new String("a"), new String("list"), new String("of"), new String("String"), new String("objects") };and
Comparator c = Comparators.forString();
All you are doing here is changing the type of data that you are working with and selecting an appropriate comparator. With these changes, the Test2 class can be compiled and executed. The output should be like the Test1 output except for the data.
Note: The order of data is determined by the comparator that you use. The comparator suppied for this class puts all upper-case characters before lower case characters. That is, you should expect to see the word "String" at the top of your sorted list because "S" comes before any lower-case letter. [an error occurred while processing this directive]